Thanks for the additional read.
Finally got back in the gym saturday.
Toned down the weight workout a bit to make sure I didn't overdo it again.

5 minute elliptical crosstrainer warmup

2 supersets, 10 reps per exercise (5 per side), 12lb dumbells
rotational squat
reaching lunge
side lunge & touch
T pushup

3 sets per set/superset, 10 reps per exercise (5 per side on lunges)
Superset 1:
Dumbbell Squat, Hammer Curl, Press w/25lb dumbbells
Lat Pulldown w/130lbs
Alternating Lunges w/25lb dumbbells
Superset 2:
dumbbell flat bench: 50, 55, 60lb dumbbells
1-arm elbow-out row: 50, 55, 60lb dumbbells

HIIT on elliptical cross trainer
3 min warm up
15 sets of 15seconds on, 45 seconds active rest, level 17

Ended up cutting out this section because it was taking me a minute between exercises and I think just pushing me past the point of overdoing it.

unanchored situps - 3 sets of 10 reps
russian twist - 3 sets of 5 each side
lateral crunch - 3 sets of 5 each side
hyperextension - 3 sets - 6, 10, 12 reps

Chilled out for almost an hour, waiting on my gf to come up.
She said she wanted to learn some boxing.

We did:

3 rounds of jump rope
3 rounds of shadow
3 rounds of heavybag - alternating between just legs and just hands (one bag hung too low for hands, one bag hung high for kicks)

Didn't quite make up for missing one of my 2 muay thai workouts, but it was something.
Ate like cr@p this past week and put on a few pounds.
Got a lot to work on.