Quote Originally Posted by Mr Punch View Post
James, in summary (and no offence here), you have no experience of living in violent situations or of violent encounters and little to no experience of MMA or full contact... am I right? Well, I know this is a discussion board and I've no right or reason to want to chase you off it, but how exactly are you able to qualify an opinion on the subject of this thread?!

And HW8, I'd be interested (honestly not trying to call you on this) to hear more detail about the way you practice: the full-contact training that equips you for the mean streets...

Anerlich, obviously not enough, cos I've still never worked out wtf RBSD stands for!

EDIT! Aaaaahhhh, satori! Reality Based Self Defence, right?
I'm more lover than fighter for sure bro I avoid violent situations whenever I can, but like everyone else sometimes it comes our way. For me I've been lucky to not have many situations where it has gotten too out of hand. I have experience in full contact, I used to spar alot in the old days, but for now the emphasises is on proper mechanics and building the right structure from the training (we do have WC specific sparring platforms, where we can go pretty hard with some control, this stuff I am training more and more). Never trained UFC stuff.

Regarding your comment about me and whether or not I'm qualified to raise an opinion on this thread, well the topic is "What WC has taught me", all that practice the art can comment on that. I replied to your post because your comparison was wrong IMO, "Typical Wing Chun Practice session" vs. Street/UFC fight. Both are two different things IMO. WC and the application of it are two different things as well, one is a training method, the other is me fighting or defending myself. I don't really care if you think I don't have the qualifications or not to make a comment, it's a free forum, anyone can say anything, and all we can talk about here is what we "Think" about things, as there is usually no personal contact between people. How does one talk about fighting, when all we have here is keyboards and experiences. Your experience is just that yours, not mine, so therefore it's all theory to me. If you want to talk about fighting, then face to face is the only way to discuss things of that nature.
