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Thread: Hung sing, buk sing, or Chan?

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New York, Long Island
    Quote Originally Posted by hskwarrior View Post

    its ok for you if you don't really care about anything but learning Choy Lee Fut. Thats fine. but there are those of us who DO care about who we are, where we're from, and so forth.

    You Mike, you have a few CLF forms here and there, but no real CLF teacher to pass that on to you. No offense by that comment, but my CLF lineage reaches of 150 years or more. No breaks in our lineage. No big time gaps. No read degree of separation for my lineage.

    Truth of what is universal Hung Sing CLF. OUR gung fu, not what you do.

    Mike, you don't do fut san hung sing CLF and can't really comment on it, the same way i can't comment on chan family clf. but i can tell you with the utmost confidence in the world.......chan family clf and fut san clf are not the same thing. never was.

    Pls don't take offense to wht i said, you know my passion. peace.
    Frank, you are a pompous and arogant windbag. That being said...

    Being offensive and making presuppositions regarding what I learned, THEN in the same breath saying that I "have no real CLF teacher to pass that on to" AND THEN telling me not to take offense??

    And then you are trying to tell ME that I have a few forms here and there? How would you even think you would know how many forms I have learned?? You see, this is YOU, acting like a dick. That was a dick move and you know it. And I know that you know exactly what you are saying. If you have a question about how many forms I have learned, then you can ask, but to throw out your verbal diarrhea, it's obvious you are just trying to be insulting in your own small-minded little way.

    Actually, I'm not offended Frank. On the contrary, I'm quite amused. Your arguments are amusing, your need to be special and different is amusing. Your bickering with any and every CLF person on here is no longer amusing, however.

    Everyone on here was keeping things civil and respectful. You have successfully broken that 'code'...but I know that you confuse 'passion' for a lack of 'self control'. Fact is, you can't really have an adult conversation without trying to put someone else down, can you? And if you can, you have yet to demonstrate that on this forum.

    Grow up Frank. You are not a gangster. No one cares about your excuses, your accident, or how hard you say you had it in the streets. People are trying to discuss things on here like grown ups. Either behave like one, or go eat at the kiddy table.

    I'm sure you will start to seethe as you read this and go nuts with one of your childish rants, claiming your fierce loyalty, your lineage, blah blah blah. Trust me, no one wants to hear it. You've said it a hundred times on's old and juvenile.

    People on here are getting along and learning from each other. They are being big boys and sharing their toys with one another. And here you go, fucking it up again as usual. Honestly, I am not surprised.

    OH, don't be offended Frank, I'm just wildly out of control and loyal and passionate to my art! But don't take any offense, you know I'm just a disenfranchised gangsta who grew up in the streets and has had a hard life,...but I'm keeping it real! You're not offended though, right?

    uh, Peace? LOL
    Last edited by Lama Pai Sifu; 05-09-2008 at 06:48 PM.

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