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Thread: Contoversial though - abused women

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    Contoversial though - abused women

    I just got off the phone with a female I met on Match years ago.

    When i met her, she was going through a divorce with a guy who beat her.

    Now several years later, she is breaking up with the next guy she was living with, because he beat her as well.

    I see a pattern.

    My thought however is the problem is not that she picks bad guys, but that she herself literally drives them insane until they explode out of sheer frustration from the pressure and pent up anguish that has built up over time, because of what she puts them through.

    I am saying this because her and I have been in contact since the *one* date we went on like 2 years ago.

    After meeting her, and talking to her on and off all this time I get the impression that she would drive me bonkers pretty quick. With all the other disasters I have had in recent years, I steered clear of her.

    I have seen this in other women over the years as well. Certian women seem to get into physically abusive relationships over, and over again. They seem sweet on the outside, but when you get to know them, especially if they are with freinds of yours, you can see how they could turn a normally docile man into an explosive ball of stress. Thier continual mind games, nagging and emotional manipulation eventually causes the man to lose it and in a moment of blind rage he lashes out and physically attacks.

    Now, the common wisdom is that it is allways the man's fault for being violent and abusive. but I am starting to think many of these cases it is actually the WOMANS fault for engaging in a severe Psyc. ops. campaign against her man, in an effort to make him totally subservient to her.

    This is a thought that just came to mind today after the conversation with that girl from Match. Any thoughts on this idea? or am I just totally off the mark?
    Last edited by RD'S Alias - 1A; 05-11-2008 at 10:40 AM.

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