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Thread: Basic training questions re: Bone Conditioning (shins/hands), endurance training, etc

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    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Los Angeles

    Basic training questions re: Bone Conditioning (shins/hands), endurance training, etc

    Hello everyone, I have gotten into training with a personal trainer and it's been really good. I used to practice Bull**** Hap Ki Do when I was a kid and I had to unlearn the ****ty way I would do round house kicks to a better way this trainer is showing me. I wouldn't pivot properly (it was more like a step), I wouldn't open my hips up, nor push down with my other hand and I never kicked with my shin; it was always the top of my foot.

    Now that I started kicking with my shins I got curious about iron monk, or bone training. I've heard nightmare stories that simply rolling a pin up and down the shins can lead to long term damage and I don't want that. I want to properly train my bones so that they can sufficiently handle the preassure and I know it'll take a few years for them to get really strong.

    I was going to use dit da jow but I'm not sure which one to get, how often I should do bone training, and how to measure my progress. Currently I have a old metal broomstick that I roll up and down my shins on the inside/front/outside for about 15 mins per leg. The legs get a little bit bruised as i've never done this before.

    My questions would be:

    -How often and how long should I do the training?

    -Should I just roll it up and down and put some weight into it?

    -What kind of jow should I use? Where can I get a good one?

    -Can I just make my own Jow? I've looked it up and there are so many methods that it's confusing.

    I am also training by kicking a bag as hard as I can using proper form but the rolling pin conditioning was good since it let's me do it when I'm out of the gym.

    Now to endurance training. This is a general trianing session to get my core up. I have good cardio, I can run well, but THIS training is different. I can't explain it, but it screws me up bad. I sweat like a pig in the summer when i do this. He has me do things like:

    15 push ups
    20 jumping squats with drops to the floor
    15 mountain climbers or equivelent
    15 light squats with the weight going over my head and down behind my head

    10 push ups
    10 jumping squats
    10 mountain climbers
    10 light squates with the weight etc....

    go down to 5

    That's 1 set.

    This conditiong really makes me realize how hard training really is. We start every session with several sets of pull ups and forearm strengthening as well. My intention at the moment is to build up my core strength then go on to some grappeling.

    Sorry for the long read but if you have any suggs on anything please let me know, I appreciate it.

    what do you guys think of ordering from here?
    Last edited by Newb; 05-12-2008 at 02:18 PM.

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