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Thread: your own vid of fights/matches/training?

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    your own vid of fights/matches/training?

    anyone care to post some of your own or people you train with clips?
    Anyone fight recently?
    I'll try to convince someone at the gym to roll with me and record it.. but until then.. here is a training partner and fellow NYSANDA gym member. He fought his first MMA fight on the 21 and in my opinion did a great job of avoiding the ground. He never let him close enough to work any shoot or clinch. He threw knees like they were buy one get 1,000 free.

    I wasn't sure if I should have posted it .. but what the hell he won't complain. Remember its not pro fights, and its his first fight. This is under Amateur rules. Marvin:
    its the first two clips.

    So just as a warning I don't want any criticisms. If your going to trash talk anyone I'll just ignore you. This thread is for people to post personal clips and friends clips without any negative feedback. Kind of a friendly thing.. look who cares if you suck.. I'm horrible

    The August 3 fight would be a great place to record your first fight... HINT HINT! for anyone in the NY, jersey area!
    if your not going then you need your head checked.. its going to be MMA, San shou and JJ.
    Just going to watch all the fights and matches is worth the trip. I'm very ****ed I can't go.
    (anyone want to call people out and end a online fight this is the place to do it!!)
    Last edited by monji112000; 07-02-2008 at 07:28 PM.

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