OK , I watch the martial arts on espn when i get to catch them ( cause man they have some irregular times, whats up?), anyway, they apparently support the US OPEN Karate tournament,
I see tradiditional kata being represented there, and some wushu guys every now and then, but ...What is Sports Karate , is this taught anywhere or is this just developed by individual teams such as paul mitchell? Also ..sports karate seems to have a strong kungfu influence well, wushu at least , imho. Has anybody gone to the us open? Is it any good , it seems interesting entertainment. How practical is it , do you think to invent your own forms , or add your own "flavour" spice to your art-form? has anybody here tried to develop thier own routine , used it , or shown your sifu /sensei or anybody else?

"everything is everything"_W.Rodney