I'm sorry to have to say this but kung fu needs to put its self back into its place. Because of people like Bruce Lee and David Carradine kung fu has become popular. Unfortunately, the magic and mysticism have ruin it. The truth is that most kung fu teachers are historians. All they know and can do are forms.

Kung fu has always been on shaky ground. It has never really proved itself. You only hear about its greatness from courageous generals to shaolin monks. But if you know a little about Chinese culture (and most others cultures) These stories are were pumped up. And if you look at history, ancient China has never won a major war from outside invaders. Even the monks got their butts kick on many occasions
Plus, all of the old time fight videos and demos that I have seen were weak.

This doesn't mean kung fu is useless. It means that kung fu has to straighten up and get off its high horse. Clowns and Jokes need to be weeded out. Theories need to be tested in a ring. Not a MMA ring. Kung fu needs to get its act together before it takes on other styles.