That's some funny sheet, but what they are advocating is relaxed striking which is nothing unique to Systema.
Personally Rogue, and this may be another topic but I have never bought into these systems that push across a modality of "relaxed striking."

I find a lot of it to be a mound of horse dung from even the most ground floor level of logic.

Why....your very own body will often not let you respond with relaxed striking, and no secret squirrel fake Cossack history "soft-style" or "flow" training will allow you to rewire your hypothalamus gland to not release adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal medulla into the bloodstream.

As you well know, and I am just typing to type here, when you fight or get into a scruff, you will be tense, your heart rate is going to go up, your going to get an increase in respiration, your blood pressure gets wacky, blood is pulled away from surface vessels to be pumped into muscles, which in turn, depending on one's world of mental and physical experience, leads to a general lose of fine motor skills and often the shakes because of the glucose which is released by the liver.

This is just a part of the physical side, the psychological side is just as bad if not worse, if one is not training under a solid enough stressor.

Not being preachy but just talking old chum

I am all for training relaxed and whipping power strikes, such as a gross motor cupped hand blow or slap, but what Systema does is just not that but a whole, relaxed approach that goes beyond.

Lets not even get into the no-touch bulldunk.