
Man I am so stoked today. Sara Palin is a great pick and this could not get any better. A real tribute for what a young girl can look up to.

This is the type of canidate that will lead my party into the future, a total next gen conservative gift. To get rid of the old Washington politics. A real Maverick in her own party.

What I like, a straight talking woman, highly moral, mother of five young kids, one of them fighting in Iraq, a supporter of big family, pro-American, very much pro-life with her youngest child of four months being born with Down Syndrome.

Lifelong hunter, god I just came in my pants with that one, gun rights advocate, avid ice fisherman and outdoor sportsman. 80% approval rating and ethical as it gets having outed her own party in the past for bad conduct, her husband is a simple guy, a real family.

When she was governer she even reduced her own good.

She's got a record of brining Democrats and Republicans together in Alaska. She has approval ratings of over 80 per cent because people recognise her skills as a bipartisan leader. A lot of Democrats like her and respect her stance.

This just made my vote that much more sweeter.