I was actually putting out feelers, trying to see where people's heads were at.

I have, in the past, shared my explorations into various interpetations of Hung-Ga techniques on another southern fist board(which shall remain nameless).

I also recieved alot of flak from this.

Mostly coming from people who felt they were big, know-it-alls, higher up on the Hung Family totem pole, because their Sifu was so-and-so.

They would respond with all sorts of drek,
such as"Hung-Ga has different engines," (wtf is an engine in Gung-Fu?)
or "We don't play it that way, so it's not real Hung-Ga.."
(yeah, Homey don't play dat!)

The bottom line is, after speaking with people who are far more qualified, I made a (not so startling) discovery-

Back in the day, Sifus used to get together on a regular basis and compare and exchange techniques.
If someone had a technique or skill that you liked, you simply asked him for it, and it went into your repitoire.
There was no "Oh, we don't do it like that," type of mentality.
Absorb what is useful.(sound familiar?)

That is how Gung-Fu grows,develops, and evolves.

It is only recently, especially with westerners,
who are so concerned with their so-called purity of their system,
trying to be more traditional and more Chinese than the Chinese- that evolution in TCMA has come to a screeching halt.

Always bear in mind: If your Gung-Fu is not growing and evolving, then it is stagnant, and dead.
