Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
last night I had a discussion with my student, Pan.(Pan trains Muay Chaya and Muay Boran in Thailand, and won his first MMA event there). He brought up a very intersting point.
He said that running is not productive cardio for a fighter. Better to do sports specific such as bagwork.
It makes sense to me,
what are your thoughts?
-although I enjoy my runs. I do a mile warm-up and then six-eight sprints, and then a cool-down.
tabatas look awesome. I will work those into my training.

fighting is about 80% anaerobic, which is very likely why he said that. In order to maximize fighting efficiency, you are better served doing anaerobic training. running is important for the 20%, but it doesn't have to be running. Take frank shamrock, for example. he doesn't run anymore, I hear; he uses an eliptical machine.