I also agree, which is why i posted earlier...

I have snake techs (or rather techs that are said to be from the snake)
...Because the tech and its effectivness are first and foremost not which animal thier said to derive from.

Which lends back to the original post..."of releance to VT"... the only relevance actions have to that of VT are in two important areas IMO.

Body Mechanics - how your body creates each action.
Timing - where and when you use it.

and with these points in mind i feel whats shown in the vid isnt relevant to MY Chun. His mechanics and timing are differnt, regardless of what experience he has with VT.

You could say BJJ is like a python, Snake KF more like a rattlesnake or cobra. But ultimately analogies will only get you so far.
I agree. I know some are of the opinion that these names derive from the cultural beliefs etc which makes sence, but i also think that using names that we see today
i.e " Dragon steals lotus flower" LOL (one of the more elaborate names, so glad i do VT )
served to preserve thier knowledge and keep ones kung fu close to thier chests.

People couldnt steal theory etc back in the day without learning from a master because of these terms and there... somewhat misleading desguise...
Just my opinion.