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Thread: US Open International Martial Arts Championship XII

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  1. #11
    LMFAO @ at the Shawn Liu nut hugger club....

    You may notice taht everyone that supports Shawn either wasn't active in the sport much past 1997, never had a team and/or was never involved in training fighters.

    The claim that the "fighters chose the coach" is so funny I die laughing reading it. Let's see, since 1997 members of that team have included Cung Le, Rudi Ott, Albert Pope, Mike Norman, Chinu Le, Max Chen and Elan Schwarcz. None of them wanted Shawn Liu as coach.

    Without exception the members of the national team have wanted either Cung or Jason to run the team.

    I must note that in all these defenses of Shawn Liu they manage to never address key points

    KEY POINT #1: Shawn Liu forced people to go to Alabama to train with him (or they would be removed from the national team). THIS IS A FACT.

    While in Shawn's school, he had them wrestle on a mat with holes in it. Elan Schwarcz was severly injured, his knee torn, and he not only didn't get to fight in the worlds, he never fought again

    KEY POINT #2: Shawn Liu has shown total disregard for people fighting in his shows. He has had amateurs fight multiple fights with no gear. He has had people with huge weight differences fight eachother. He has taken people who have never fought before and put them against seasoned, very experienced San Shou champions

    KEY PONT #3: Shawn Liu promoted himself to being in charge of an organization that he created for himself. There was never a vote and it was in total contradiction to what he told EVERY COACH when they attended his event in 2001.

    KEY POINT #4:

    Go find out what that is, who that is, then learn enough Chinese to contact him and ask him about Shawn Liu.

    "I really don’t care how many languages you can speak"
    LMFAO, if you spoke Chinese you'd know what peope really say about Shawn Liu. You'd learn that most of his stories are complete fabrications.

    Of course, you didn't have to speak a word of Chinese to see what Guolin did. IE he punched Shawn in the nose! Why do you think Guolin punched Shawn? Ever bothered to look into that?

    Michael Li, who is Xia Bahua's student, who was invited by Jeff Bolt to referee the daytime event in Orlando in 1997 happens to speak perfect English, so you could also ask him about Shawn Liu. After Shawn tried to explain the rules in 1997 in the morning during the tournament, Michael came onto the lei tai and said "no, that is not correct". He then told all teh competitors there to IGNORE Shawn

    Why did Shawn Liu have to apologize to everyone that attended Xia BaHua's seminar?

    Why hasn't any of the Big 6 teams attened any of Shawn's events in the past few years?

    Gary, when you stop licking Shawn boots you could address any one of these issues.... but I won't hold my breath....
    Last edited by lkfmdc; 10-30-2008 at 08:34 PM.
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

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