I wasn't referring to tricks, demos, parlor trcks, or whatever. I was referring to seeing, touching, witnessing real, high level skill. Period. Skill that even a blind man can see is immediately applicable, transferrable, useabel(pick a word) in combat.
Sure, I know in past threads, and on youtube, people have shown some pretty cool feats, breaks, techniques, whatever. This is not what I was referrring to. If you need to, re-read my original post.

As far as learning over tea. There are many things you learn about your art, yourself, connections, understandings occur through discussion, perhaps due to the relaxed atmosphere, that do not occur otherwise. Often times, you need to think about your art. What youare doing right, what you are doing wrong. How different things affect you. Sometimes learning the correct attitude for training is explained. It is endless. Many things happen in discussion over tea. There is much more to direct transmission than simply hitting you in the head.

Some of you keep sidelining and hijacking the discussions. Give some of us the benefit of the doubt that we might have been around the block a few times, and what you are "enlightening" us with is nothing new. Your discussion has been done to death, and really belongs on another forum. We are discussing something else entirely.