True, they did use anesthetics, but at drastically lower concentrations than typically used. I have a textbook on acupuncture anesthesia with this study in it.

As for the World Health Organization - see this link here for a list of 28 disorders shown thru controlled trials effectively treated by acu. MD's and other naysayers who claim TCM has no scientific evidence simply have never done a literature review with an open mind. There is plenty of evidence based medicine which supports the use of TCM.

Why is it that the WHO acknowledges CTM/TCM/Acu/Herbs as good medicine, but the FDA and other American based so-called 'medical experts' don't. For that, you'd have to do your homework - but I can tell you this - 80% of FDA employees go on to take highly paid positions for major pharmaceutical companies. Big pharma manipulates data and funding to ensure negative data about their products will never be made public.

Good science? Hardly. In my opinion, man cannot be trusted. Nature guides the way.
Now, go take your prozac while I practice my magical hooey qigong exercises!


herb ox