Quote Originally Posted by Luk Hop View Post
I disagree. I think that many blacks incorrectly assume what you stated. His support by many whites was reactionary. Many whites voted for him because they thought that he was going to bring home the troops and end the war, have a transparent presidency, and bring about a massive overhaul of the political system in Washington.

The question now is: is he really doing any of that?

Just my thoughts. Am I still entitled to those?
I don't know. You may be right. I kind of think it'd be pretty naive to think any one president could bring about a massive overhaul of Washington. If the bulk of the people that elected him thought that he would though, then I'm wrong. Maybe the vote was reactionary, but if White America had believed for example that say Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton was going to bring home the troops and end the war, and bring about a massive overhaul of the political system in Washington, there's no way either one of them would've ended up in the White House. I think Obama's personality and deft social maneuvering is what made it possible for him. Because if the three issues you mention were what the public wanted, couldn't they have elected a libertarian like Ralph Nader instead of Obama?

That example may be extreme, but my point is that his personality is what allowed him to be elected. His taking the high road every time race came up is what allowed the masses to believe that he'd have the transparent presidency you mention.