Hey Guys, I am looking for some people who like to practice Kung Fu, Karate, Tae Kwon Do,Boxing etc. If you are looking to spar please look me up. I personally believe by sparring regularly one can find where their Art is lacking. Thus giving you a direction in training to improve on certain areas. For instance If I spar with a boxer and I am fairly comfortable with deflecting and intercepting his punches but I find TKD fighters harder to defend against it. Then I know in my practice and training I need to work more on defenses against kicks etc. So if your interested in getting together for heavy sparring with Gloves,cup and mouth piece, head gear optional but also could be included to work on different techniques in the future let me know. I am also up for light sparring with less equipment possibly maybe just gloves while using light contact to face and harder contact to body.
Or maybe your just looking for someone else to do Chi Sau with and work on drills let me know. I am really interested in Heavy and Light sparring but I am open to drilling and training other aspects as well.

Now I do not have mats. So if your a ground fighter that has your own mats then I would be up for a sprawling partner too. That way I can work on defenses against grapplers with out going to ground.

So if your interested in a sparring partner or sprawling partner let me know. I look forward to our confrontation.

I am located in St.Louis all interested inquiries Please email me at
