ok im hoping to not start a flame war or anything here, if that happens i will erase this thread. ok for the past 10 years i've studied Northern Shaolin long fist, and i freaking love it, its one of the most effective forms of fighting i've trained in. it has its drawbacks which alot of my previous training has compensated for but its a good system for me and it works for me. ok now that thats out of the way.

i recently been training in Glorified Kickboxing just to see what is it all about, why so many people swear by it like it was jesus christ or something. and you know what i just dont see it. while it is a practical and effective art. it has tons of weakness's. and im not talking about ground fighting or any of that. cause in reality the floor is not someplace you want to be at in Oklahoma. anyway without getting to specific, i just dont see it. yes its a good art but no it is not the grand ultimate martial art. now there are guys on here who are gonna come at me with all sorts of crap, like oh you havent learned enough yet yadda yadda yadda yackity shmackity, just know also i have two friends who are really good Kickboxers. and lets just say what i said before, while i see its efectiveness especially in close range combat, there are alot of places where it needs to be compensated where things need to be added to make it more of an effective fighting form. just my opinion.