So how does Chi Cultivation benefit your WC???

Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
so, does SLT/SNT open the 8 special channel?
Yes, according to the ancient teaching and also there is how the Yin and Yang related in a big way. and all the yin and yang means something physical there. nothing fantasy.

But then,

The Chinese ancestors rather one open one's loving kindness heart first.

Thus, they call the art Wing Chun. Praise the Spring. Heart is analogy as Ground in ancient Chinese. At Spring time Ground is lively and promote grow.

If the Chinese ancestors believe only in KILL KILL and Fight Fight and nothing else.

then, they might as well call it Wing Chao or Praise the Fall. For Fall in China is the time for EXECUTION.

But the Ancestor doesnt call it Wing Chao.

So, what do one practice? Wing Chun or the Wing Chao which one created based on one's mindset which is no longer Wing Chun in the traditional Chinese ancestors way.

It is a free world, everyone believe in what they believe. and everyting is ok because everyone choose the consequence of their action.



孟子说:“我善养吾浩然之气”,还告诉人们养气的方法是“求放心”,“不动心”,“勿助长”。 .... 练养气功就是要求人们通过练功来培养这种真气。

is the way to cultivate Qi.

The method 求放心”,“不动心”,“勿助长” in the western sense is LET GO (the Mind) LET GOD (take care of it ).

There is no EAST or WEST. THe method is common because it is about human.