Fellow instructor constantly call females, "honey" "sweetheart". I know it is not meant in a derogatory way, however, it is not very professional

I talked to him about this a months back, he just discounted it and said if they don't like, they can come to me directly. Or something of that nature. I forgot exactly what he said.

I was also attending one of his classes which he ran late. When I informed him I need to teach a private lesson and asked to be excused. He flat out said, "so, they can wait" These were pre-teens and need to be home for homework. I ended up apologizing profusely to their mom for running them late.

Yesterday when I was talking to a few students regarding some kung fu history, he asks' me where I got my information from. I said from my previous sifu's. He said, "so you got it from hearsay" It took all the control I had to not deck him right then and there. I couldn't believe someone could disrespect my previous sifu's like that to my face. If not for respect of my current sifu, I really would've decked him.

And on a personal opinion/observation; I believe he is somewhat uncomfortable that even though he out ranks me in this system, I have more experience than him overall in the CMA arena. He also likes correcting my private lesson students when they attend his group classes (again this may only be a biased observation on my part).

I would really like going up to my sifu about this and just handle it myself.

Thought about bringing this up to Sifu, but do not feel like being a cry baby.