Quote Originally Posted by Baqualin View Post
Very well said Lok....When I was young the only racism I experienced was the typical B & W thing...never understood it, because I grew up a farm boy and worked for a couple of Black farmers (best cooks at lunch time!) and in the field together for other farmers...it always made me feel horrible when all these same people I worked side by side with, laughed with and ate with were ridiculed and mistreated at school for no reason....I got in a few fights because of this. Then at college (where there's a melting pot) I saw that it wasn't just a Black & White thing.....at a party a Black friend & I were talking when we looked around to see everyone one had left the room....the girls having the party had invited a few Middle easterners (using that term as not to insult particulars) they left the room and were outside acting all ****ed off and refusing to come in the same room with a Black man....I was like WTF.....I became aware that racism is not just an American B&W thing...it's everywhere (even with animals), my master who is Chinese even said that the Chinese feel they are the superior race.....DON'T WE ALL! I see it everywhere I go now.....everybody wants their own kind to be the best.....still a lot of evolving to do.....at least we can talk about it here without killing each other (well some of us).
Yea I can relate BQ. When many of my crack deprived white friends would come down to the ghetto to score I'd wait in line with them and I felt really bad as we we're pelted with stones and called h0nkey Mo-Fo....