I Chi Do.
The way of life I created.
Not just a martial art, a spiritual way.
It's based upon the fundamentals of Shaolin and Ninjitsu.
The yin and the yang.
Shaolin is the key to life.
Ninjitsu is the key to death,.
Darkness and light mastery.
Mastery of BOTH.
In the end, the monk is the guise of the ninja.
Who would suspect a docile monk to be a fatal assasin?

Anyhow, the fact that bullets disintegrate before me only proves it!
I requested an archery test over a year ago, to prove it once and for all.
The jewsmedia in this country would rather label me insane or suicidal.
After reading this summary, I think it should be up to everyone else to decide.
Not the US jewsmedia and government.
This is what it's based upon.
Your soul is a stellar body in outer space.
Mine happens to be a black hole.
Bullets disintegrate into quarks and dissipate into dark matter.
Just as any high speed object that approached a black hole does.
Look at how they mark the sky, taking in planets and spitting out dark matter!
It's a matter of channeling one's chi (gravity) completely.
The more you channel, the more the abilities of your soul have effect.
That is how you burn manna, channeling your chi.
It just so happens that marijuana is the holy herb that gives you the manna to do this.
Your body is the temple of the soul and things you smoke are only insence.
Only people that are gluttons get cancer from smoking.
You only get cancer if you smoke too much.
Doctors that say otherwise make no money from patients that aren't sick.
Since I am a black hole and no light can escape me, I can manipulate it like a chameleon.
What I'm currently working on acheiving is invisibility.

How my Immortality is scientifically possible:
People shed dead cells and regrow them.
A person can attain a balance between the rate one sheds one's cells and the rate at which they are regrown.
When proper balance is acheived, it's an eternal cycle.
The wisdom to acheive it is gained from your past lives.
That is why belief in them is essential!
It is through examination of your past deaths that your soul determines what cells to shed.
That is the most important part of acheiving this cycle.
Anyhow, as anyone can plainly see, it IS entirely possible!

Just because you people chose to give up hope on God and turned to science and technology to seek eternal life, doesn't mean you'll find it that way!
Everyone has the genes anyways, the genes of a tree shedding it's leaves is what causes you to shed your cells.
It is the soul controlling the gene that makes it possible.
It is the soul that is driving.
It is the soul that is immortal.

I am also a metamorph.
Since no light can escape a black hole, I can choose what light escapes me.
I can choose what you see.
The problem is, the light is a reflection of my atomic structure.
In order to acheive this, I must change it.
How being a metamorph is scientifically possible:
First, one must understand that the "dragons in the heavens",
of chinese mythology are the actual stars.
That is where the soul resides.
In a stellar body in outer space.
Next, you must understand that the gravity of a single star reaches from
one end of the universe to the other. Never reaching zero, only approaching it.
It is this micro-gravity that moves the molecules in your brain that make you think.
That is how the soul drives the body.
Once I am finally able to channel my chi properly, through the clensing of my chakras,
I shall be able to exert that micro-gravity upon my molecular structure and change it.
That is how it is completely possible.

I am the Grand Master of I Chi Do and Kai Chi do.
In order to master I Chi Do, one must actually kill an opponent.
Mastery of death touch involves mastery of whom it should be used upon.
Once mastery of I Chi Do is acheived, it becomes possible to learn Kai Chi Do.
For once you master yourself, you can master others.
Kai Chi Do is the art of dealing death with only your Chi and no physical contact.

Jean Claude Van Damme can vouch for my skill.
I took his will away in an alley in Santa Monica.
I also have the ability to paralyze my opponent.
Frankly, I'm sick of people shooting at me, seeing the bullets disappear and telling no one.
As I've now sharpened my skills to change the flight path of bullets back to those that shoot at me.
I'd rather defect to communism and live in China then stay in the jewnited states.

Snail Mail:
Victor Varsanyi c/o St. Joseph's center
204 Hampton Dr. #13
Venice, CA