Quote Originally Posted by Knifefighter View Post
The actual training is probably starting to fade among the people who participate for other than professional reasons, mainly because the training is too tough for most people...
Dunno. I stopped because of injury, but one of the reasons I liked MMA classes was because they gave me an ideal way of testing out my kung fu, which sadly none of my kung fu training partners were into.

Plus there were a fair few people there who seemed to just enjoy it. Don't know how many have continued though.

I could well be a minority though.

BTW, this thread is hilarious.

Mighty B: Is the MMA craze finally over?
MB: The MMA craze is finally over.
KFM: No... because A... Z.
MB: The MMA craze is finally over.
KFM: Er, no.

ad infinitum.

Gotta admire the boy's tenacity!