Quote Originally Posted by t_niehoff View Post
I'm sorry but I don't carry a video camera to class and training sessions. Nor am I doing to do so to convince guys like you that I go to BJJ and MMA class.
The interest I would have in this type of video is not to prove whether or not you train with BJJ BB's or MMA fighters - I believe you do. I believe you have been training BJJ with Vaghi for a number of years now, and sparring at MMA schools.

The interest I would have would be in seeing your application of your short range dirty boxing approach to WCK skills in a fighting environment. More like what you guys do at the YMCA - under your control, not in someone else's school where video would be an etiquette issue. I just would be interested in the application from a purist perspective. Regardless of whether it's UFC level, small show level, or TMA good effort level.