Hi Sanjuro,

I began to wonder if we were talking about the same thing with 'machine gun' attacks. I read what you wrote, and discovered we weren't, or not exactly.

I think 'overwhelming' attacks is probably better language for what I'm trying to describe. Those 'stand in one place and flurry your arms' demos aren't what I'm thinking of.

First point of difference is footwork. If you're not barging over the opponent, its just show / 'demo'.

I think of the MMA style charges with kick, punch, punch, clinch, knee, knee...

In TCMA, you'll sometimes see a charge of straight punches that sets the opponent on their heels and smacks them backwards across the ring repeatedly.

To me, the key technique is the pressing footwork and the taking of the opponent's space.

So, lets put that machine gun on an APC...