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Volvo C30 plugin hybrid car first look
Posted on September 19, 2009

Battery is returned to the menu with this Volvo, C30 plug-in hybrids. Volvo C30 Electric bevacizumab than in Frankfurt, while the Swedes, today announced the zero-emissions Tai Chi - With 92 miles of the details of the scope of a top speed of 80 mph and 0-62 mph sprint less than 11 seconds .
Therefore, the Volvo technology in order to maintain zero emissions race has …

Bevacizumab on behalf of battery electric cars and Volvo’s new plug-in hybrids could be introduced in 2012, the scope of C30, the boss said. This is a clear signal to the Volvo is a dead end, can not stay behind in the race to reduce emissions, there are more surprises later, 99g/km Volvo C30 1.6D drive.

In the new green C30 of bevacizumab is a large-capacity (24kWh) lithium-ion battery under the hood of the placement, and provides a full charge - from a household power supply (230 V, current 16A) - In just eight hours.
Different techniques, the same Volvo values?

Volvo claims that under the hood of bevacizumab the status of the battery of conventional means, practicality and safety are not affected other battery-powered concept.

In order to show how serious the Volvo C30 is about the bevacizumab, they even tested a prototype of a small number of collisions - and Boffins admit that it is safe for any other relations between the Volvo badge.
Therefore, the number of baculovirus expression system can expect to sell Volvo?

Although not yet fully implemented, there are pairs of bevacizumab C30 program will reach the road in 2012. At present, the main focus of Volvo hybrid technology that combines the internal combustion engine battery power.

Paul Gustavsson recalled that in charge of electrification strategy for Volvo, acknowledged the need to overcome the obstacles some consumers completely electric-powered vehicles become a major seller.

‘Consumers must feel that this type is attractive not only drive the car and their own,’ he said. ‘To ensure this, we believe that electric vehicles will serve as a comfort and security, and provide performance of motor vehicles, power sources, as with other similar level.