squat 250 3x8
leg extentions 110 3x12
leg curls 55 3x12
frog kicks 4x15
*no other work today. almost fell of the tower earlier .. . only got in session to blow off some steam. needed to spend time with family.

*after screwing up my shoulder to the point where i could no longer bench i decided to take two weeks off entirely. after this period ill start into a bodyweight routine. im going to focus on core strength, conditioning, and rehab for several weeks before getting back under the bar. its difficult, but i believe it's necessary at this point. my lower back and wrist still haven't healed, and now i've added a third injury to the mix.

*went with scrappers bodyweight routine
pushups - pyramid up to 12 and back down
diamond pushups x 25
pull ups - reg, narrow, wide grip - pyramid up to 2 and down on all 3 grips
dips 4x10
hindu squats 4x25
bootstrappers 4x25
lunges - 4x20
crunches x20
side crunches x 20 each side
sit and tucks x 10
sit and tucks each cheack x 10
flutter kicks x 25
6in crunches
neck movements and bridging

*holy hell, i thought this was going to be easy. the uppper body portion wasn't very demanding and ill have to alter that a little. possibly do the pushups off the handles and incline my feet for greater range of motion while keeping the difficulty the same or better. on my 3rd set of hindu squats i pretty much fell over. i
got down and couldnt get back up. i finished the sets, but took me a while. the entire workout took too long also. i imagine i should get this done in 45 mins or a little under. it took me the better part of two hours tonight. ill keep that in mind next workout.

incline pushups on handels - pyramid up to 12 and back down
diamond pushups x 19
pull ups - reg, narrow, wide grip - pyramid up to 4 and down on all 3 grips
dips 10,10,10,9
hindu squats 4x25
bootstrappers 4x25
lunges - didnt realize i forgot these until making log later
crunches x20
side crunhes x 20 each side
sit and tucks x 10
sit and tucks each cheack x 10
flutter kicks x 25
6in crunches
reverse hypers 3 small sets
stretching, neck movements, bridging
- just kind of getting comfortable with the bridge - going to work more extensively on my off days starting tomorrow.

*much better time this round. about an hour and fifteen minutes. i did much better overall and i can see that ill not be on this program for more than a few weeks. ill try to get it down to 45 mins before i stop. my shoulder is killing me today, so im not sure if i should have stuck to regular pushups or kept the pullups
at pyramids of 2. it hurt while doing the pullups, but i pushed through it which seems to be my bane. i think i may check my ego, go back to what the program originally called for and just work on getting it done faster. im just not accustomed to that mentality.