I don't wanna go into to much detail, its personal though some here now the reason, but I have been inactive from full contact fighting for over a year and just recently tried to go back to it about 3 months ago.
It didn't go well, LOL !
Rusty ol **** that I am, but the pro trainer thought I did great for the huge lay off I had and the fact that the guy I sparred was ranked #3 in N.America.
But then, as usual, crap happens.
About a 2 months ago I wake up with horrible headache, dizzy spells galore.
I move my head I am dizzy, I look down I am dizzy and not the nice dizzy either, a freaking vertigo dizzy that I have never felt before, even doing freaking HALO dives !!
I go to the emergency room and they suspect what it is and get some test to confirm, follow up MRI and such confirm the confirmation ( Because I have done full contact MA the specialist wanted to be sure that it wasn't more than the suspicion).

Basically, in our ear canals we have tiny little "crystals" and sometimes they get dislodged and that causes us to get dizzy.
You do some special moves and they, hopefully, fall back into place.

Well, great.

Problem is, every time I work out and do any sort of "violent" movement I get freaking dizzy and can hardly stand up.
Don't even go there about sparring.
So I go back to the doctor and he says that, "if it hurts when you do this, don;t do that".

****ing common sense.

The issue is, according to the specialist, depending on the severity of this issue, I may never be able to spar hard again without complications, but I didn't hink that it would apply to actual HIT MA training.
Well it seems that heavy exertion can and in my case, does cause these "little crystals" to play havoc with my vertigo.
Its a freaky thing too, its not like the room spins, well, it does that, but worse is like it spins in a "whirpool" like pattern !

Just venting guys...