"Your cup's too full to make make any question you claim to ask even remotely recognisable as such... but do go on. " "

HS: Yeah, whatever. O.K. so what is ZEN.

ZM: A word. Or whatever it is.

HS: Be serious. That doesn't make sense. What is ZEN?

ZM: Forty-two.

HS: Forty-two? What's that?

ZM: The answer to the question, "what is the meaning of Life?" according to the Hitch Hicker's Guide to the Galaxy. Or the Resteraunt at the End of the Universe. I think one can get to the resteraunt by using the guide.

HS: I didn't ask that.

ZM: Almost everyone asks that at some point. Would you like me to pour you more tea?

HS: More like pour it on me, and No. And forty two doesn't answer that question.

ZM: So, you claim to know the secret of the meaning of Life?

HS: No.

ZM: Then how could you know what the answer is Not?

HS: [dumbfounded]

ZM: Making a statement in question format is not the same as Asking a question. You won't find anything you're not missing. People who already Know don't care to find out...speaking of out, thank you for your company. I hope that you have a good trip to where ever, as you leave Japan.

HS: But I didn't learn anything.

ZM: Hopefully you learned that, a cup too Full, makes one wet.

Ernie Moore Jr.