Interesting marketing. Did he really get an endorsement from Oprah and Tiger? That would be awesome.
Qigong Can Cut the Risk of Catching Flu

A ancient moving meditation from a Buddhist temple in China can boost the immune system, a study has shown.

(PRWEB) November 19, 2009 -- Qigong exercises that were originally practiced by Shaolin monks to boost their martial power can increase the immune system by up to 50% if practiced at least three times a week.

The Qigong Workout whose advocates include Oprah Winfrey and Tiger Woods increase the immune system by activating the lymphatic system, increasing the intake of oxygen and improving circulation.

Shifu Yan Lei, the author of Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity says, "The only thing that can cure a cold or flu is our immune system and the best way to boost our immune system is with a regular Qigong Workout.”

The study conducted at Wonkwang University in the Republic of Korea showed that individuals practicing Qigong had a much higher type of white blood cell that plays an active role in immune function.

“At the Shaolin temple we were not allowed one day off from training and none of us ever got a cold,” says Yan Lei who went there as a boy to study these ancient Qigong movements.

In his book he personally guides the reader through a complete Qigong Workout that combines simple martial movements with stretches and breathing exercises.

“There is nothing esoteric or hippy about Qigong. They are practical exercises that can help us to beat the winter bugs.”

Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity is distributed by Small Press United in North America. And it is available from: in Europe.