Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
Interestingly, I never notice the ads at the bottom of people's signatures until someone points them out. Also, I never notice the links or click on the links unless someone else mentions the link in a post and I find the comment interesting. I am just oblivious to advertisements. I don't even notice ads in magazines or on webpages.

Similarly, I never noticed the foul language or violence in movies until I had children. Once I had my first child I was stunned at how much was in movies I would never allow my young children to watch. It just never registered with me before.

Now that I have my first daughter, aged 20 months, I am appalled at all the half naked women in media! Of course as a man I always noticed them, and enjoyed them, but now I see all of them as someone's little girl and I find it harder to enjoy looking at half naked women, LOL!! I see my own daughter being objectified and I feel embarrassed now and I definitely don't want my daughter watching anything that objectifies women or makes her think she needs to walk around half naked to get the attention of men. She is a long way away from that, but now I notice it and what I once enjoyed tends to bother me!
True, the very same thing happened to me after I had my daughter.

Which brings us all the way back to the original post:

Perhaps, the "desire" sometimes is brainwashed into us from social conditioning.