Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
flawed is an arbitrary / relative conceptual construct, as is unflawed / perfection - no system is with out flaw, because the posing of a given situation carries within it the eventuality / necessity of its own corruption; the exception is from the vantage point of the totality of all things, which, in context of its inherent suchness, is without flaw: being such as it is, there is no comparative that can be made to determine flawed / unflawed;

therefore, ANY system is flawed, because any system will, at some point fail to respond to its own basic, inherent stated goals - so, in the case of the US government, there will always be a failure to live up to its organizing / founding principles;
You are correct but the flaws in question are not natural or accidental. There is a spiteful agenda behind all this and things are not looking good for the citizens of the Western Hemisphere, nor for the human race for that matter.

So,it is not a case of, "hey, nobody is perfect". It is a case of a planned and looming dictarship that is on its way.

Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn
the individual, living within the context of other individuals (society) can only truly be free if he is able to act without obligation to habitual response; therefore, any perceived limitation or control on behavior is purely relative, and therefore freedom in the conventional sense is as arbitrary as anything else: one man's security is another's repression!
I agree with this concept of freedom and would like to think that my Kung Fu practice is a path to this, however, I and others who are of the same mind, find what has been happening in the past decade or so alarming.

You can free your mind all you want but the authorities coming down on you the minute you step out of line by emotional or physical violence is not excusable from the human right's perspective. And I am not talking about the popular "Human Rights" concepts invented by our establishments that are used to screw and destablise rich Third World countries, either.

Furthermore, to have this free unattached mind one would need to carry out some kind of training. The training will at the least involve some meditation which would require periods where the mind is at peace.

Now look at how our societies are so hectic. Most of the population is debt ridden, there are social problems; job insecurities, not to mention constant announcements of "threats" to our security and survival through the controlled media that warns us about "Terrorist" threats, Climate Change and Epidemics, most of which are created by our own leaders, together with events such as the current Financial Crisis. These are all designed to hurd us, the human race, into a global dictatorship by offering "global solutions" to what are advertised as global problems. All this is designed to create a Global Government!

And guess who will be holding the reigns of power? It will be the Anglo-American business cartel, that is, the bankers, Petrol companies, arms manufacturers, pharmaceuticals and etc. or more correctly the business interests and people who own them, who by some accounts, are the same people, all over. Of coure, there will be some crumbs left for the other Western business interests that are lower on the food chain.

Quote Originally Posted by taai gih yahn
as Krishnamurti said, "truth is a pathless land"
Where was he when Hitler, Stalin and other dictators were committing atrocities?
Do you believe that most of the people in prisons and concentration camps had the chance to meditate and become unattached. I doubt that you do.

Many people, including myself, who believe in freeing the mind by making it unattached are ruffled, to say the least, by what is happening in the world today. Alarmingly, it is becoming more overt and arrogant as far as the puppet politicians who are selected to bring about this new order are concerned.

The epicenter of this planned change is the US and parts of Western Europe, particularly the UK. These two nations have adopted a surveillance society "culture" based on lies and deceptions implemented by their so called "security" agencies, whose task is nothing but to "run" these countries on behalf of the people who really own these nations, the elite, while politicians (intellectual prostitutes) are selected by them to give lip service to the masses by promising "change"; "justice"; "freedom" and all the other crappy emotionally charged key phrases that are so loved by the mindless masses. All this while the population believe that they are electing them "democratically" to look after their interests...LOL.

Anyway, It is time for people to wake up and realize that their leaders do not give a **** about dead soldiers; homeless families; starving populations;massacres and so on., because if you do not possess psychopathic character traits as well as other nasty personal qualities, or you are genuinely a good and caring person then the intelligence agencies in charge will not select you to be President or Prime Minister.

Your, "freeing the mind solution" would work fine if every body could do it today but that ain't going to happen. This is ancient knowledge and I believe that for the long term we should all strive for it.

However, as far as the now is concerned then the game is rigged. The powers that be are also aware of this concept (knowledge) and that is why they do everything to keep the mind busy, through feelings of fear, insecurity, worry, mind overload with trivia, guilt not to mention chemical attacks on our bodies with attempt to overload our systems with unnecessary amounts of food additives and prescribed and none prescribed medicine.

This attempt to shut our minds down has been going on in one form or the other for a long time. Look at how most world religions have been "presented" to the public in the past. Yes, the purposes, for the most part, has not been freeing the mind but the opposite through fear, guilt and other things I mention above.

You cannot free or expand your mind when you are constantly kept in survival mode! Having said that, I admit that a few may be able to "break through"but we need more!
