Quote Originally Posted by Tom Kagan View Post
Boxers break their hands because they hit f**** hard. They hit so fucking hard they've been known to break their hands when carefully wrapped and encased in 16 ounce padded gloves on occasion. Even thousands of hours of sports training research at the pantheon of fighting and with the help of orthopedic surgeons who specialize in athletic injuries to the hands cannot come to a conclusion as to whether a particular methodology of training can make a person less prone to break their hands. Millions of dollars are at stake here. If a style has the answer, there would be an army of fighters beating the crap out of each other trying to get through the doorway of such a methodology.

Actually there is a simple answer to this problem and it is widely recommended
among modern combative trainers as of late..

It's very simply: Don't use fists...

There are also other health issues at stake, including blood infections from impact into teeth, where the thin skin on the fist's business end is very vulnerable.

Interesting in as much as Shaolin systems seem to use more open hands than fists...