Tonight i picked up The Complete Guide to Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu at my local Border's Books & Music. Though "complete" is certainly stretching it, it was certainly worth the $17.95 (chump change IMHO).

In About the Author it states:
"During Stuart's tutelage under Master Liang he also learned Praying Mantis Kung Fu and jointly translated much of Master Wei Hsiao-T'ang's Practical Praying Mantis Kung Fu with Master Liang. In 1990, Stuart began studying the three forms of Plum Blossom Praying Mantis with Master Kung Wei in Indonesia."

Throughout the book Shifu Olson quotes Master Wei which to me was worth the price of the book.

In another thread on this forum there is a discussion of the Eighteen Lohan exercises. Shifu Olson describes eight of them in detail in his book.

So all in all I feel my $17.95 was well spent.
