Quote Originally Posted by Bob Ashmore View Post
My advice would be to make haste a little more slowly.

You seem to be grasping the stepping pattern quite well though.
Yes, the idea is not to move your center forward all at once, rather in a smooth, integrated fashion as appropriate. This allows you to root before you ever need to issue jing.

Don't forget the role of the knee. It is crucial. One knee (leg really but I'm focusing on knees here) sends energy, one receives and controls.
Heel lands, knee bends a little (always keep in mind I'm shortcutting here, this means "move center forward slightly, knee bends to accomodate", but that's a lot to type so it will go without saying from here on out), ball of the foot lands (think bubbling well), the knee bends a little more, toes grip, then knee completes its receiving of the energy from your back leg, transmitted through your center.
There are six joints working in your legs (infinitely more in your feet) to keep your center level. You should not feel any jerking, rising or falling of your center when you do this, it should all be quite level when using the six joints to keep it that way (2 ankles, 2 knees, 2 hips).

And for crying out loud....
It takes years to figure this stuff out, relax and enjoy it rather than pushing yourself to the point of pain.
Believe me, it will work a LOT better that way.
Ah well Bob; you have identified the issue from afar.... it does look like I am incorportaing some external "pushing the possible" a bit fast to be able to include TCC principles, don't it? Truth be told, if I didn't have 2 years of chi walking done, I wouldn't be ready to even consider stairwalking as you describe it.

On the other hand I do - just barely - understand what you're saying - and I guess I want to get it down in print before one of us goes away..... Part of my background is that I do practice an attitude of "if there is any pain, then it is not TCC" including being out of breath. So to get to here, it has been a slowwww process; very much a TCC process. For instance, when walking 6 miles Saturday; I noticed the hips would sing the instant they went one little bit forward past my workout level. That was a constant issue because you are building up some speed when walking that brings the leg forward which pulls the hip forward with inertia. I am not adding in the ankle roll - anymore than I already do so naturally - at all; only implementing the ankle roll when stepping out into posture here at home once or twice at a time. So to me it seems I am being slow about the whole thing; but singing hips and ankles say maybe not I guess.

For now, I'll keep on stairwalking several times a day, but maybe just do the ankle roll once a week to keep it in my mind. I know it will be at least a year before I can do the ankle roll in class, but as you say, it takes as long as it takes....

Actually my knees are my weak joints. I haven't had to wear my knee straps for years, but started back recently when it came time to start learning kicks in the form. Probably your good words on the knees may be the best info I need at the moment.

Moving on somewhat impatiently, but slowwwly.....

Thanks Bob!