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Thread: MMA hands

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    South Jersey, US
    The casting punch is a standard part of Sambo. I also think that one of the reasons you don't see a whole lot of combinations is a combination of fear of takedowns and the small gloves.

    MMA striking is more like bare knuckle boxing. It tends to be long range and more power shots than jabs. If either fighter gets inside it immediatly switches to clinch fighting, either mauy thai with lots of knees or wrestling with takedowns. In bare knuckle boxing throws were allowed so little or no clinch fighting (punches) developed there either.

    Jabs can be dangerous because a good wrestler will follow the jab back with a single leg takedown shot, so if you hit you must do some damage to discourage the shot. Jabs came about in boxing after the throws and grappling were removed from the rules.

    Edit: Another thing that makes combinations difficult is that wrestlers will shot immediatley after a punch and if you get caught in the takedown attempt while throwing your straight right following the jab you are scr3wed.
    Last edited by m1k3; 02-17-2010 at 07:13 AM.

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