Quote Originally Posted by 1bad65 View Post
At least we get something out of our investment, national security. What do we get out of the billions spent annually on social programs? Nothing. And if anything, it's made it worse.
Um... building bridges and highway, powerplants and hospitals has made it worse? Making sure the poor can have health checkups and pre-natal care. Making sure old people have heat in their house in winter. These are useless?

How exactly are these more useless than something which is built to destroy things?

If we do that, then who is supposed to protect our freedoms from our enemies?
Our enemies can't exactly invade successfully (I mean.. we have ALOT of citizens, myself included, with guns!). A continental invasion of the US would be like sticking their d*ck in a meatgrinder. Our enemies are not a threat to our freedoms inside our borders. Internationally.. well why spend 40% of the budget on things happening in other countries. They are sovreign nations.. it's THEIR D*MN BUSINESS what they do. Leave them to it.

Please do. Or are you like that idiot Alec Baldwin who swore he was leaving if GWB became President? Of course he never followed through despite Bush serving TWO terms.
I dunno about Baldwin, I don't pay attention to movie celebrities. Anyway I'm of a mind that this here is a sinking ship and the wise rat will look for a boat that isn't overloaded with cannon (defense spending) at the cost of it's buoyancy (fiat currency supply).

FYI, defense contractors are still making huge profits under Obama. It's just different companies now.
I know. The problem is institutional, intractable, and likely won't go away while America is still one of the world's dominant economies. Americans are usually too short-sighted.

One side wants lots of tanks, One side wants lots of social programs. The poor and middle class can't pay for either. The "Tanks" side doesn't want the rich to pay for it. The "social" side DOES want the rich to pay for it.

The only thing they can agree on is to spend more money. Oh.. and just put it on the tab!