You said this:

"Some people make a habit of turning discussions on social programs into a soapbox about illegitamacy rates in certain ethnic communities. When that happens, the hammer drops from now on."

My original post said this (emphasis added):

"I'm not making up anything. Plenty of people here have two illigitimate kids before they are 21. FYI, the illigitimacy rate in our country exploded AFTER welfare was made available in ALL races. However, it is well over 50% in the black community. Legitimate civil rights leaders (not Jackson and Sharpton who have made civil rights their lucrative careers) will say welfare has destroyed the traditional family structure in the black community."

How is this racist? And yes, I pointed out the percentage in the black community. Guilty as charged. But I did not because of race, I did it because that demographic has the highest rate.