I just had the coolest experience! I was at a local bookstore talking with the owner about the possibility of carrying my book. I showed her one of my fliers and she was saying how so many local authors ask her to carry their books, but that they're usually not anything she feels she could sell. "But" she continued, "this looks like something I think my customers might really like."

So, as we're talking one of us mentioned the name "Count Dante" and this guy who was browsing in the store looks up and says "Did you just say "Count Dante"? The guy who had the ads in the comics?" so I say "As a matter of fact, yes" and hand him one of the fliers. He just started going on about how cool it was and how he HAD to buy a copy of the book! The owner of the book store then looked up at me and said with a smile "Yes, I think I'd like to carry your book."