For many years now the Republican Party has taken to the tactics of Appeal to emotion, creating a Culture of fear, and Propaganda.

They do this because they believe that Americans are not rational thinking human beings but sheeple not worth reasoning with. Why bother discussing merits of your ideas if you believe as they obviously do that manipulation works better. They act like they are stupid and maybe they are, but they act like we are stupid, and that’s where they lost me. If they think you’re stupid, will they lie to you, or will they show you one hand while hiding the other.

The Republican National Committee plans to raise money this election cycle through an aggressive campaign capitalizing on “fear” of President Barack Obama and a promise to "save the country from trending toward socialism."
The PowerPoint presentation described high-level Republican donors as "ego-driven" and claimed they could be enticed with "tchotchkes." The document included a slide -- called "The Evil Empire" -- with cartoonish images depicting Obama as the Joker, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as Cruella de Vil and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as Scooby Doo.
The presentation encourages fundraisers to use a direct marketing pitch that exploits "extreme negative feelings toward existing Administration." It also describes ways to appeal to major donors, including "peer to peer pressure," "access" and "ego driven."
“If you had any doubt whatsoever, that the Republican Party has been taken over by the fear-mongering lunatic fringe, those doubts were erased today,” Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse told the AP. “Republicans across the country have cheered on crowds where these very images appeared.”