Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
I don't care much for the GOP or republicans, though I agree with some of their views and don't get me started on Fundamentalist Christians, but painting EVERYONE with the same brush is NOT what you wanna be doing.

What part of "evangelical" in the descriptor did you not get? I said exactly what I meant and I stand by it.

The evangelical wing of Christianity (at least as it exists in the US) is an intellectual cancer, the charismatic faction of the evangelicals is even more insane and magical-minded.

I grew up around these people. I was born in the town that houses the World Assembly of the Churches of God. It's kinda like someone slagging the Mormons when they grew up in Salt Lake City. I know these people like I know my family (most of my family thinks the evangelicals are "backslid" .. i.e. not religious ENOUGH).

You can hate my attitude about cops but when it comes to the Christian Right I've got 20 years of INTIMATE exposure to the disease.