
One of Jin's newier videos, I thought I would post it here to start a topic of discussion. Let's try to keep it on subject

I found what he has to say interesting, as I never looked at it quite the way he does. Timing is so important in everything we do in life, combat is no different. What I can appreciate about the video, is when Jin talks about what happens when you age and your physical attributes start to fade, this is beat and half mode according to him, and requires us to use our "body frame" to slow the other guys movement down so that we can apply our own tools.

Jin's been putting up tutorial video's for about a year now, and I think he should be applauded for it. Not everyone agrees on what he teaches, that is ok, as no one will agree with everything anyone has to say about anything, it's not about agreeing or disagree, rather it is about exposing one to anothers method and learning about it. Most of his vids, regarding Wing Chun that is, are basic level stuff, SNT material and how to bring that body frame alive within you. Without that basic foundation, as can be seen in most of the WC vids on youtube, your WC is non existent in what you are doing and how you are applying it.
