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Thread: Standing Meditation

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  1. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Will you take responsible if anything goes wrong after taking your advise?
    You are clueless what wind can do to a meditator or internal art cultivator.

    Can you heal him if the Wind get into his bone and required Bone Marrow Washing Kung to heal him?
    You dolt! If this were true every sailor, high construction worker, rock climber, and mountaineer would die because the wind would upset their tender Chi balance! If meditating in the wind causes a person imbalance of any kind it is due to a preexisting infirmity or over-exposure!

    There is nothing different or special about meditating in the wind than any other activity.

    You are completely ignorant!

    Start living in the 21st century!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    You are totally ignorance and keep posting like an expert.

    How do you deal with Qi flow or Tze Fa gung when it was triggle at standing meditation?
    You are out of your mind. To give advise on anything you dont not have indepth training.
    I have done stuff you couldn't imagine or dream of all without your precious master as a guide.

    Your Chi does not trickle out during standing meditation. You are confusing fatigue and over-exposure with loss of Chi!

    Once again, if it did no one could walk, stand or lie down in the wind without dying from Chi loss!

    It is called exposure! Put on a blanket when cold, take it off when hot. Drink water when thirsty, pee when you need too! If one is smart and doesn't over do it, as with every single other activity in life, there is NO danger!

    The meditative mind, according to Ch'an tradition AND my personal experience is possible anywhere, anytime, under any conditions and IS proper meditation! If you are only able to keep a meditative mind when you sit in a special manner in a special place with the temperature just right with no wind or rain or snow or noise or any other bothersome phenomena, you are still a beginner!

    You are living in a fantasy world. If you think your negative effects will occur, your rainbow fantasy mind with help you make it so!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    I post here because I dont like to see people screwed.
    Just about your every post is a screwball something helping other's robotic minds spin out fantasy dreams. You are not helping you are propagating old wives tales!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    If one get into Pien Cha and Qi Zi Woon Luan which means the Qi or and shen got screw up, that needs real pro in Qigong or Shen gong to straight it up. It is not something to toy around.

    Sure, free world everyone could do what they want. However, I have done my part as human being to share what I have experienced.
    Yes you have done quite a bit to help trap others in your own rainbow dream fantasy!

    It is interesting to note that only in China does Chi affect people so negatively. It doesn't seem to affect anyone else on the planet negatively throughout time! I wonder why that is?

    It is because much of it is a rainbow fantasy that was created to help people ignorant of science explain natural effects they did not understand.

    All you are doing is propagating the false fantasy and helping others bind their mind to your own fantasy.

    Remember those oh so wise ancients also gave mercury pills to their patients in order to help balance their Chi too. That was REAL smart wasn't helped many people die and others develop neurological abnormalities.

    Your wise old masters were not so wise!
    Last edited by Scott R. Brown; 04-03-2010 at 10:40 PM.

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