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Thread: Seagal is at it again

  1. #16
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    About those Russian sex slaves...

    In the Spotlight: Steven Seagal
    16 April 2010
    By Anna Malpas

    This week saw two Hollywood scandals with a Russian connection. Action star Steven Seagal was sued for sexual harassment by a former executive assistant, who said that Seagal had two Russian assistants who were “available for his sexual needs 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

    Meanwhile, Mel Gibson broke up with his Russian-born girlfriend, singer Oksana Grigoryeva, reported, citing those old “irreconcilable differences.” The couple first appeared together in public in April last year. Grigoryeva, who originates from Saransk in Mordovia and previously had dated Bond star Timothy Dalton, had a baby with Gibson in October.

    Seagal, 59, is a regular visitor to Russia and claims to have some Russian heritage. “I know Russian blood flows in my roots,” he told Ekho Moskvy in 2006 in a mixed metaphor that may explain his acting skills. His films now may all go straight to DVD, but Seagal is still a huge star in Russia, especially for the generation that remembers the first heady showings of his 1980s action movies in the perestroika era.

    He first came to Moscow in the 1990s to promote a branch of Planet Hollywood, which never really thrived on a charmless concrete strip of Krasnaya Presnya.

    In 2003, he was invited round to then-president Vladimir Putin’s country house at Novo-Ogaryovo for a party that also included Italian vintage sex bomb Gina Lollobrigida and French femme fatale Fanny Ardant. Sadly, no transcript is available on the Kremlin web site.

    “I respect him very much and I liked all the thoughts he told me,” Seagal said of Putin in an interview with Ekho Moskvy radio in 2006.

    In October, he appeared on Channel One’s “ProjectorParisHilton” improvised comedy show — the coolest thing on state television — riffing blues guitar in a black leather shirt and showing off a frighteningly convincing Russian accent.

    Comedian Sergei Svetlakov asked him, “Steven, is it true that you love Russian women?” — getting a simple “yes.” He then presented Seagal with a student card. “Without this, you won’t get into any dormitories after 11 p.m.,” he advised him.

    Not much information is available on Seagal’s allegedly Russian assistants — a term that in Los Angeles probably covers everywhere from Lithuania to Outer Mongolia.

    Seagal certainly has a taste for Eastern European women. In 2007, his round of commitments included attending Miss Ukraine Intercontinental, KP reported, saying he needed to cast 13 “beautiful girls” for his latest film. It’s not clear what film this was, since Seagal’s movies tend to lack a woman’s touch.

    In 2007, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported that he was hiring a young Moldovan girl to work for him as a “personal assistant.” The photograph showed him posing with his arm around the shoulder of the girl — 22-year-old law student Felichiya Lupashka, who wore a leopard-print dress.

    In March, a former Miss Tver, Viktoria Shchukina, was photographed in KP with Seagal embracing her and a scantily clad female friend at a party in Hollywood. “He spoke fluent Russian,” she said. “At first I didn’t know how to ask him for a photo with him, but then I didn’t know how to get away, especially as he started asking the organizers how old I was.”

    *****y gossip site prompted a debate on Seagal. One blogger called him a “goat,” while another wrote: “Of course, the Russian girls have to be sex slaves while a virtuous American girl comes along and exposes their dark dealings. I can’t stand reading stuff like this.”
    Seagal speaks fluent Russian? He must get that from being a reincarnated lama.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #17
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    new york,ny,U.S.A
    lets not use the term sex slaves i mean these women are being paid for their services and arent being held against their will so they arent slaves.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    right there
    russian women are fun

    I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.

    left leg: mild bruising. right leg: charley horse

    handsomerest member of KFM forum hands down

  4. #19
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    Who needs reality TV?

    ...when you got reality like this?

    Steven Seagal Has Strange Sexual Quirk, Ex-Assistant's Lawsuit Alleges
    Seagal's Alleged Unique Reaction Used to I.D. Other Alleged Victims, Plaintiff's Lawyer Says
    ABC News Medical Unit
    April 16, 2010

    Steven Seagal has a "unique physiological reaction to sexual arousal," according to a sexual harassment complaint filed by his ex-assistant, Kayden Nguyen, but until the case against the star goes to court, everyone involved is keeping mum as to what might be.

    Nguyen's formal sexual harassment complaint, filed Monday, spends two paragraphs discussing the existence of said "reaction" and the ability of others who have seen Seagal aroused to verify it. For now, however, Nguyen and her attorney, William Waldo, say they have no intention of sharing specifics.

    "I understand why you're asking about it," Waldo said, "but I can't go into specifics. There is something he does -- he knows what it is and she does and everyone else who has had a similar experience with Mr. Seagal knows."

    Seagal's manager, David Unger, has also declined to comment on the issue. Seagal's attorney, Marty Singer, did not respond to inquiries about Seagal's "reaction" but in a written statement he said that the lawsuit "is a ridiculous and absurd claim by a disgruntled ex-employee who was fired for using illegal narcotics."

    Why all the secrecy? Waldo says it goes beyond protecting the actor's privacy, which he admits is one factor. But he said that this alleged secret reaction has become a way to identify other alleged sexual harassment victims of Seagal's.

    "There are a lot of real victims of Mr. Seagal who are now coming forward," Waldo said, "and as you can imagine, there are also people who aren't real victims" but who want to claim that they were "for the attention."

    Because of the unique and exceptional nature of Seagal's sexual "reaction," Waldo said, intimate knowledge of this trait has helped him separate the wheat from the chaff among those claiming to have been assaulted, Waldo said.

    If "someone comes forward and says 'I know what that physiological thing is', and they really do, that helps their credibility." If they don't mention it, he said, they most likely have not had sexual interactions, consensual or otherwise, with the star.

    "These aren't casual allegations," Waldo adds in response to Singer's allegations that Nguyen's claims are fabricated, "they're serious and verified under penalty of perjury, because they're true."

    In response to Singer's statement, Waldo also said that Nguyen "was not 'fired', she escaped" and that "the allegation about 'using illegal narcotics' is false."

    Strange Sex
    Kinky sex, fetishes, sex addictions and the like not unheard of in Hollywood, but Nguyen's statement seems to be referring to something a bit more biological -- a physiological quirk so distinctive that she claims it idiosyncratically identifies the actor.

    While the details will remain hush-hush for the moment, the allegation raises questions: most notably, have bizarre physiological reactions to sexual arousal been noted in others?

    ABC News had sexual health experts weigh in on the strange things that sometimes happen when people get turned on.

    When a man or a woman becomes sexually aroused, a series of events take place that ready the body for sex.

    "The process starts with a reaction to some sexual stimulus ... experienced as a state of excitement and awareness of [the manifestations of] arousal, such as an increased heart rate," said Dr. John Bancroft, former director of the Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender and Reproduction.

    The eyes dilate, blood flow to the genitalia increases, breathing accelerates, and blood pressure kicks it up a notch.

    Why would an unexpected bodily reaction take place alongside this normal physiological chain?

    "The brain works as a whole, but is also compartmentalized; it's possible to have a wire crossed," said Dr. Gil Wilshire, a reproductive endocrinologist at Mid-Missouri Reproductive Medicine and Surgery.

    "This is how we get things like synesthesia, where people smell colors or see sounds," he said, and this kind of glitch in the brain can lead to strange side effects during arousal and orgasm as the brain becomes flooded with activity.

    Arousal can produce compulsive sneezing in some, spontaneous tears for others, he said, and more commonly, women will urinate a bit.

    "Some girls call it spending a penny," Wilshire said, referring to the small loss of urine during arousal or orgasm.

    Given that the same nerve serves the genital and urinary system, "it's easy to see how one affects the other," Wilshire said.

    Michael Castleman, sex educator, counselor and founder of, added that "sneezing and crying are the two that are most widely noted. They're just about emotional release and people release emotions differently."

    "When it comes to human sexuality and the human sexual arousal response there is a tremendous degree of variation," said Dr. David Greenfield of the Healing Center in West Hartford, Conn. "Although there is a range of behavior that is 'normal' there are many idiosyncratic sexual arousal responses that people have."

    As to Seagal's alleged idiosyncrasy, Greenfield "cannot guess what [it] might be," but says that "there are many unique responses that we have that seem unusual and in some cases they are less unusual then we might think."

    Waldo said that Nguyen will present her detailed description of Seagal's alleged "unique reaction to arousal" at the trial. No court date has been set at this time.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #20
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    Steven Seagal -- Untie Me
    Originally posted Apr 19th 2010 12:45 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    0415_steven_segal_EXSteven Seagal claims he doesn't bang his executive assistants -- but sources tell us he definitely made some of them go below the belt ... waaaay below the belt.

    A source in the know tells TMZ that several of Seagal's assistants have been required to remove the shoes from Steven's feet while on the job ... both feet.

    We're told the shoe routine is a daily task -- but assistants aren't required to handle the socks.

    As TMZ first reported, Seagal is being sued by a former assistant who claims Steven tried to turn her into his own personal "sex toy."

    Seagal's people claim the lawsuit is totally bogus.
    now that's kinky

    EXCLUSIVE: The Full Steven Seagal Story Jenny McCarthy Told Movieline in 1998
    Written by Kyle Buchanan | 16 Apr 2010, 1:50 PM | 33 comments

    When Steven Seagal was sued earlier this week for sexual assault and trafficking women for sex, CBS News dug up an excerpt from a 1998 interview with Movieline where actress Jenny McCarthy appeared to confirm Seagal’s tendency for inappropriate behavior. We reached into our back issues to provide you with the entire anecdote.

    Movieline’s Stephen Rebello conducted the interview with McCarthy to promote her new film BASEketball, and the actress was unusually candid, discussing all the film parts she’d lost, like Mallrats (“Kevin Smith didn’t even wait until I was out of the office to start laughing. So rude”), and the ones she’d turned down, like Drew Barrymore’s role in Batman Forever (“I didn’t want to play a fluff”) and Elizabeth Berkeley’s in The First Wives Club (“Even though that movie would have let me work with one of my absolute idols, Goldie Hawn, I wouldn’t play a girl who sleeps with someone to get fame”).

    The audition that really wounded her, as Rebello would find out, was the one she had to do in front of Seagal:

    When I press her on the subject, the hurt in her voice says she’s still freaked. “I went to the audition for Under Siege 2 with, like, 15 other Jenny McCarthys. These girls came in and out of his office and I was last. Steven comes out and goes, ‘Hmm, so you’re last.’ I’m thinking, ‘Shouldn’t a casting person be doing this?’ I go inside his carpet, which has shag carpet and this huge couch, and he’s by himself and says, ‘Sit on the couch.’ I have my [script pages] and I say, ‘OK, I’m ready,’ but he says, ‘No, I want to find out about you.’ I knew what was coming. He goes, ‘So, you were Playmate of the Year,’ and I was trying to go—” Here, McCarthy breaks off and adopts a Laverne & Shirley blue-collar foghorn delivery: “Yeah, but, like, I lived in Chicago, see, and…”

    The accent was apparently no turnoff. “I was wearing this very baggy dress,” she continues, “which I always wear to auditions, with my hair pulled back. I’m listening to him go on and on about how he found his soul in Asia and is one with himself and whatever. When I said, ‘Well, I’m ready to read,’ he said, ‘Stand up, you have to be kind of sexy in the movie and in that dress, I can’t tell.’ I stand up and he goes, ‘Take off your dress.’ I said, ‘What?’ and he said, ‘There’s nudity.’ I said, ‘No, there’s not, or I wouldn’t be here right now.’ He said again, ‘There’s nudity,’ and I said, ‘The pages are right in front of me. There’s no nudity.’ He goes, ‘Take off your dress.’ I just started crying and said, ‘Rent my [Playboy] video, you a**hole!’ and ran out to the car.” That wasn’t quite the end of it. “I’m closing my car door and he grabs me and says, ‘Don’t you ever tell anybody.’ He won’t sue me or say anything because he knows it’s true. If I saw him today, I would still say, ‘You’re a f***ing a**hole and I really hope you change your ways.’”

    Seagal’s lawyer, Marty Singer, said this week about the sex claims: “The lawsuit filed by Kayden Nguyen against Steven Seagal is a ridiculous and absurd claim by a disgruntled ex-employee who was fired for using illegal narcotics.” He also called the suit a “complete fabrication without a scintilla of truth.”
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #21
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    new york,ny,U.S.A
    well i can see the shoe thing. he is a fat **** he couldnt bend down and do it himself.

  7. #22
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    radaronline has the scoop

    radaronline is beating out TMZ here. Maybe TMZ has bigger fish to fry....
    EXCLUSIVE: Steven Seagal Taking Legal Action Against Accuser
    Posted on Apr 19, 2010 @ 03:43PM

    Steven Seagal is taking legal action against the woman who sued him for sexual harassment and sexual trafficking, has learned exclusively.

    Kayden Nguyen, a 23-year-old former model, sued her former employer Seagal April 12 on six counts, with some shocking allegations.

    Now, has learned exclusively from sources that Seagal is fighting back and will file an arbitration claim for breach of confidentiality agreement against Nguyen.

    Seagal filed a motion April 16 to stay Nguyen’s lawsuit and have it moved to arbitration.

    The agreement that Nguyen signed with Seagal stipulates that disputes will be settled in arbitration, sources tell

    In addition, has also learned that Seagal will be seeking attorney’s fees against Nguyen and her lawyer Bill Waldo.

    Nguyen’s lawsuit started a bitter war of words between the opposing camps, with Seagal’s attorney Marty Singer claiming the employee was let go for illegal activity.

    Waldo denies that accusation and claims he has affidavits from other former employees supporting his client.

    Now with Seagal fighting back with a counter action and request for attorney’s fees, the battle is getting more heated and the actor is making it clear he will not allow the disturbing allegations to go unchallenged.

    Nguyen claims in court papers that Seagal treated her as his “sex toy” and described other sexual debauchery that allegedly took place at Seagal’s direction.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #23
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    Kelly LeBrock chimes in

    TMZ is back in the game.
    Seagal's Ex 'Not Surprised' By 'Sex' Allegations
    Originally posted Apr 20th 2010 12:55 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    Steven Seagal's ex-wife, Kelly LeBrock, tells TMZ she's "not surprised" by the allegations that Seagal treated a former female employee as his own personal "sex toy."

    LeBrock -- who had three children with the action star during their marriage from 1987 to 1994 -- added, "I will refrain from saying anything specific now because of our 3 children."

    And why is Kelly so tight lipped? Well, here's a small clue ... LeBrock told us, "I have many shocking things to say about Mr. Seagal which will be known soon when my book comes out."

    And that folks is what we call "a tease."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #24
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    Jan 1970
    So, when is seagull gonna change his name to Li Hongzhi? lol
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  10. #25
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    Ray Charles's granddaughter!?!?!

    TMZ rocks.
    Seagal's New Accuser -- Ray Charles Connection
    Originally posted Apr 21st 2010 7:15 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    The Steven Seagal alleged sexual assault scandal now has a Ray Charles connection ... TMZ has learned one of the women who just came forward accusing Seagal of making unwanted sexual advances is Ray's granddaughter.

    As we first reported, two new women have given sworn declarations to back up Kayden Nguyen's lawsuit against the star. One is Blair Robinson -- who claims she first met Seagal at her granddaddy Ray's funeral in 2004.

    According to Robinson, she was invited to Seagal's home after the funeral -- along with her father Ray Charles Jr. -- to discuss a job opportunity with the actor.

    In the declaration, Blair claims she took a job as Seagal's assistant one month after the meeting -- but on day 1, she claims Seagal came to her room and told her she was required to give him massages. In the docs, Blair also claims Seagal tried teaching her the proper method by massaging her.

    In the docs, Blair states, "It became clear to me that he wanted and expected sexual favors as part of my job duties." Blair claims she quit after the first day.

    Seagal's lawyer, Marty Singer, vehemently denies the accusations and claims Seagal has "no knowledge" of either Blair or the other woman who provided declarations.

    Singer added, "The declarations were clearly prepared by Nguyen's lawyer to be leaked to the media to help bolster his client's meritless claims."
    Two More Accusers in Steven Seagal Sex Case
    Originally posted Apr 21st 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    Two more women have come forward claiming Steven Seagal made unwanted sexual advances toward them while they worked for the actor ... but Seagal's lawyer tells a very different story.

    TMZ has learned both women have provided Kayden Nguyen with sworn declarations, to assist Nguyen's lawsuit against Seagal -- in which the 23-year-old claims she was sexually assaulted by the actor during her stint as his personal assistant.

    In one woman's declaration, obtained by TMZ, Seagal is accused of luring her into his bedroom, putting his hands on the woman's breasts and stating that he was "checking just as a doctor would for lumps."

    The declaration continues, "Seagal reached his hand down my pants. He said, 'I just wanted to touch it for a second to see what it felt like.'"

    The woman claims she screamed and cried until Seagal let her go.

    Like Nguyen, both women claim they were hired by Seagal to serve as his assistant, but quit after Seagal made inappropriate sexual advances.

    TMZ spoke with Seagal's lawyer, Marty Singer, who tells us, "My client has no knowledge of these women and a preliminary check of his employment records does not show that they ever worked for him."

    Singer also stated that regardless of whether they worked for him or not, their claims are "absurd."

    Singer concluded, "The declarations were clearly prepared by Nguyen's lawyer to be leaked to the media to help bolster his client's meritless claims."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Maybe he could make a movie about bad touching?

    you know, as his punishment when they convict him. lol

    It could be called " aikido bear and the bad touch" or maybe " No means I'll sue you if you touch my junk again you fat washed up jerk"

    or something like that.

    ah, the price of fame!
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  12. #27
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Kelly constantly raped and nanny is fine?

    Steven Seagal's ex-wife, Kelly LeBrock, says she was 'constantly raped and abused my whole life'
    BY Cristina Everett
    Originally Published:Wednesday, April 21st 2010, 6:09 PM
    Updated: Thursday, April 22nd 2010, 9:25 AM

    As Steven Seagal's history of allegedly sexually harassing women comes to light, model Kelly LeBrock recalls her own traumatic experience of being married to the action star.

    "This whole thing is very upsetting," LeBrock, 50, told "I do have children with this man."

    According to court papers filed last week, Kayden Nguyen, a 23-year-old former model, filed a $1 million sexual trafficking and sexual harassment lawsuit against the "Under Siege" actor. She claims he hired her as an assistant, but then used her as a "sex toy."

    Two other women have reportedly provided sworn declarations to assist Nguyen's lawsuit. Among those women is Ray Charles' granddaughter, Blair Robinson.

    Like Nguyen, both women worked for Seagal but quit after he allegedly made inappropriate sexual advances at them.

    His lawyer, Marty Singer, denies the "absurd" accusations and claims the actor has "no knowledge of these women."

    He added, "The declarations were clearly prepared by Nguyen's lawyer to be leaked to the media to help bolster his client's meritless claims."

    Amidst the accusations, LeBrock says she is trying to move forward from her own experience and finish her autobiography.

    "I was constantly raped and abused my whole life," she revealed.

    When asked if she was claiming that Seagal ever raped her, LeBrock replied, "I had a life before Steven Seagal, and a life after him. This book is not about Steven Seagal. But good or bad, he is a part of my life."

    LeBrock and Seagal were married from 1987 to 1996. They have three children together who all are said to live with their mother in Santa Barbara County.
    Seagal's Ex-Nanny: He Was a Total Gentleman
    Originally posted Apr 22nd 2010 12:15 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    Another one of Steven Seagal's former female employees is finally speaking up, but this time, the woman claims Steven NEVER acted inappropriately toward her -- or anyone else -- during her employment.

    TMZ spoke with Sonam Choezom -- who served as Seagal's nanny in 1996. Choezom tells us she met Seagal through a relative who was active in Tibetan Buddhism.

    Choezom tells us soon after they met, Seagal learned that her father was very ill -- so he offered to move her from Nepal to the U.S. and employ her as his nanny so she could afford her father's health care.

    Choezom claims once she took the job, Seagal was "always very nice and respectful" -- and added that the actor never once made any sort of sexual advance toward her, including massages.

    As far as the sexual assault lawsuit against Seagal is concerned, Choezom tells us, "I was very surprised."
    I couldn't find a pic of Sonam Choezom, just a facebook page. That's probably not her but check it out - it makes this even funnier.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #28
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    On hold

    Steven Seagal Sex Suit on Hold
    Fri., Apr. 23, 2010 7:08 PM PDT by Brandi Fowler and Lindsay MIller

    After a ton of legal drama, Steven Seagal can rest easy…for now.

    The lawsuit filed by former employee Kayden Nguyen accusing the Out for Justice star of tawdry sexual misconduct is now on hold, E! News has confirmed.

    Why, you ask?

    It didn't have to do with the confidentiality agreement she signed upon employment.

    Nor is Nguyen dropping her case.

    The stall in the suit actually came when Seagal attorney Marty Singer filed a motion to compel arbitration, meaning the case isn't moving forward until after that motion is heard in court late next month.

    "Last Friday, we filed the motion to stay the lawsuit," lawyer Marty Singer said. "We filed an arbitration against Nguyen on Monday. Yesterday the court granted our ex parte application to stay the case pending the hearing on our motion to stay the case being heard in May."

    Singer contends that under the terms of Nguyen's contract with Seagal, any claims she makes against him must be settled through an arbitrator, not in court.

    Nguyen's attorney has not responded to a request for comment.

    The next hearing on the matter is scheduled for May 27.
    More dirt
    Steven Seagal wanted co-star action
    Last Updated: 4:16 AM, April 25, 2010
    Posted: 11:50 PM, April 24, 2010

    Steven Seagal paged young actresses on his movies to come to his hotel room at night and demanded they undress in his trailer, a co-star has alleged.

    The action hero is denying the new allegations by the actress, who asked not to be named, that he hit on the women in his 1991 movie "Out for Justice," and made an obscene sexual suggestion to her in a late-night phone call. She told us, "Seagal's type was young, exotic-looking girls. He asked me and three other actresses to parade through his trailer, then asked me to stay.

    "The wardrobe girl gave me a tacky corset and a tiny skirt and told me, 'He wants you to try this on,' [and] . . . led me into the bedroom. As soon as I undressed, he tried to come in. I didn't have a top on, so I pushed the door closed and screamed. When I came out, my boobs were hanging out. I was offered a contract.

    "At least two other actresses on the set had beepers," our source continued. "He would beep them to go to his hotel room at night. His then-wife Kelly LeBrock was suspicious and showed up on set. She had just given birth to their son. I felt so bad for her.

    "One night, he called me at home . . . he said, 'Do you want to come to my hotel room?' I said, 'I don't feel comfortable with that.' He asked if I wanted to perform a sex act on him. I said, 'I have a boyfriend and you are married.' Days later I was released -- technically, fired."

    Seagal's lawyer, Marty Singer, said of the claims: "This is totally false. It's ridiculous that she is coming forward 20 years later . . . It is interesting this person doesn't give her name to give her claims legitimacy. I suspect she is a resentful one-time actress who has not become a major star."

    Seagal's publicist, Ken Sunshine, added, "They are coming out of the woodwork, but this woodwork isn't usually 20 years old."

    Ex-model Kayden Nguyen previously filed a $1 million suit against Seagal, claiming he hired her as an aide but used her as a "sex toy." Singer called the claims "absurd."
    Never mind about Ray's Granddaughter
    Seagal Witness: Steven Never Touched Accuser
    Originally posted Apr 25th 2010 12:45 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    Ray Charles' granddaughter is under attack from the legendary singer's former band member -- a man who claims he can prove Blair Robinson never had an inappropriate encounter with Steven Seagal.

    TMZ spoke with Damien Ross -- a longtime friend of Ray's who claims he set up a meeting between Blair and Seagal at a Memphis hotel back in 2004, so Seagal could interview her for a personal assistant position.

    As we previously reported, Blair signed a sworn declaration in support of Kayden Nguyen's lawsuit against Seagal -- in which Blair claims Seagal followed her to her hotel room and expected "sexual favors." Blair claims she told her mom about the encounter and left the next day.

    But Ross claims Blair never had a hotel room where Seagal was staying -- and insists he was present with Blair during her entire 10-15 minute encounter with the actor. Ross also claims Blair and Seagal were never alone.

    Seagal's lawyer, Marty Singer, tells TMZ, "Ms. Robinson was never employed by Steven Seagal and never received any compensation from any entity even though she claimed to have worked more than six years ago for my client."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #29
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Exclusive interview with Seagal's son!

    Actually, it's just two sentences, so it's more like exclusive two sentences from Seagal's son..
    EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Steven Seagal's Son: I Don’t Talk To My Dad
    Posted on Apr 26, 2010 @ 10:00AM

    In the midst of Steven Seagal’s legal woes, his son doesn’t seem to be offering much support for the troubled action star, can report.

    People may not recognize the name of Steven’s eldest son Kentaro, and he prefers it that way. But one thing’s for sure—he takes after his father in looks and love for the martial arts, as caught up with the Aikido master at his Torrance studio, where he has a photo of his famous father on the window of the dojo.

    It became very clear that father and son don’t communicate anymore. “I don't talk to him right now,” Kentaro told

    And apparently his father hasn’t reached out to him either. Kentaro says he didn’t know about the sexual harassment lawsuit filed against his famous father.

    “I don't know, I don't watch TV, I just read newspapers,” he said.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #30
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    Meanwhile, on another front

    This story just keeps getting better and better.
    Steven Seagal manages to avoid being served court papers by mobbed-up movie producer Julius Nasso
    BY Alison Gendar
    Friday, April 30th 2010, 1:05 PM
    Steven Seagal bailed on four of producer Julius Nasso's movies due to a conflict in his beliefs.

    Mobbed-up movie producer Julius Nasso claims to have a heart of gold.

    His proof? He hasn't been stalking action star Steven Seagal to serve him with court paper.

    Nasso is suing Seagal, saying the "Under Siege" actor reneged on a settlement to end a dispute over a four-movie deal.

    He says Seagal owes him $165,000 - but he hasn't served the martial-arts expert with the papers.

    Nasso's lawyer, Robert Hantman, said the producer could be laying in wait for Seagal "at the movie studios ... the dojo ... his home."

    But he's not out of the "kindness of his heart."

    The Nasso camp said they planned to serve the papers on Seagal's lawyer, high-powered attorney Abbe Lowell, but they're not sure Lowell still reps him.

    "Nothing seems to be what it is," Hantman said.

    In 2002, Nasso sued his ex-buddy for $60 million claiming Seagal bailed on four movies. Seagal claimed the violent scripts offended his Buddhist sensibilities.

    Seagal testified that after he split with Nasso, a bunch of Gambino goons tried to shake him down in the back of a Brooklyn steakhouse.

    Nasso was indicted as a minor player in a racketeering case and in 2003 pled guilty to extortion. He served a year in prison.

    Seagal and Nasso reached their secret settlement in 2007. Lowell could not immediately be reached for comment.
    violent scripts offended his Buddhist sensibilities....what the heck?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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