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Thread: Need some help

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    I think I can die now...
    Cough.......cough......ahem.......what am I, chopped liver????

    Just cuz I rarely argue with idiots anymore means I never said anything.....oh......ummmmm.....5, 6, 7, 8, 9 years ago?

    <with tear in eye> I guess its time to pull that trigger and give you your wish!!!

  2. #17
    1) Can anyone suggest breathing techniques/visualization stuff to refine my chi (i.e. make it less impure)?

    Contradict to the general believe of using the breathing techniques or visualization stuffs (which 90% of the time the breathing and visualization stuffs screw up things even more.)

    To cultivate Qi, one take the path of Shen instead of breathing or Qi. When Shen is settle, then breathing correct itself and Qi grow and balance.

    So, how to do that? get into silence via prayer.
    Yes, as Catholic, Christian prayer. Dont even have to go screw around with oriental technics which most of the time is incompletely present in the west.

    Shen is settle when mind quiet down. Which means you dont want to visualizate because when you visualized your shen cant quiet down instead you are using it. and for beginner that is even worst.
    You also dont want to use breathing techniques because when there is a control concept in your mind you disturb the shen and also you disturb the breathing in a certain non natural way to get if off the track of the natural resonance.

    so, the true practice of Chinese Internal art is based on settle Shen, not visualization or breathing.

    So, what is shen? Shen is the awareness energy. for example after you have a good nice sleep when you focus you dont have to use much effort and your mind will be settle and sharp. on the other hand, when you got a hang over, then no matter how you visualize or breath or force yourself or focus you cant get the mind to be settle and sharp.

    So, Shen is that awareness energy.

    So, the easiest way to cultivate the shen or that awareness energy is via prayer if one doesnt have a sifu to coach one.

    When the Shen is full, Qi will be full, blood with be lively.

    So, go do prayer atleast 30 mins morning and night for 30 days and in the daily activity -- from thinking and every thing you do, as soon as you find stuck or energy drain, stop there to not drain your shen.

    you will notice your mind could quiet down, sharp, emotion is much stable, and body will be feeling much well.

    2) Can anyone suggest how to amplify the presence of metal in the atmosphere using my chi? (I have some physical problems that others have suggested is due to a lack of the metal element in the atmosphere, I don't want to get too deep into this lol)[/QUOTE]

    Again, if you could enter into the silence via prayer. You dont have to deal with all the amplifying ...etc. Just enter into the silence via prayer. let everything including those your mind has no idea balance themselve.

    That is called LET GO and LET GOD. or Dao mimic NAture. Or Wu Wei Wu poo Wei ( doing nothing and all get done.)

    Those are a true practice of Qigong for healing and Dao or ZEN cultivation. The core of cultivation.

    It is the path to transcend the body mind and return to the origin where some call it Dao, Buddha nature, God .....etc.

    Dont take my words litely, for that is what the essence teaching of all sage of the past present and future which I have learn.

    In the west, it is better that you are using prayer because it is more suitable to the western culture; and at every era there are sage and saints and praticioners in the west which keep the prayer practice update: from Saint Francis of Assisi to Saint Padre Pio, to late healer Ron Roth.

    I share the above because I myself have used both the east and west technics to enter into the gate of silence and found out they lead to the same path.

    In the advance level, different methods of entering will make a different on how deep one could go. However, in this beginner and heal balancing state, we dont need to go that far at all to get the benifit. just make sure we dont screw ourself via following mislead path.

    Finally, how those who are interested in ZEN, when one truly sees one's buddha nature and stable, and un reverse-able, one's Shen is full.

    and that is Kung Fu of let go of attachement.

    The the song of enligthement said, " let go of the four elements ( water earth fire wind) never grasp them.... it is about taking off one's own old cloth.. how could one claim to be superior "

    So, yes cultivation of let go is a must to lead to stability and un reverse-able even if one has sees one's buddha nature. Even the six patriach Hui Neng got to practice this, if you notice for six teen years after he sees the buddha nature he go into seclusion.

    Thus, it is not just some concept or idea or visualization, it is about attainment. Similar to boiling water, one needs to know how to make fire and how to boil water. one needs then make sure the water get higher then 100C. Only when the water is boild the kung fu is there. knowing how to boil water doesnt count, knowing how to make fire doesnt count, boiling water to 80C doesnt count. attainment is get the water more then 100C then one talked. before the 100C one really doesnt know.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 06-27-2010 at 10:08 AM.

  3. #18
    Hey Hendrik,

    How about being a little more specific about what you mean by prayer?

    For most people prayer involves using words in their mind to communicate with a higher power. This will not quiet mind, so you must mean something other than using words/prayer.

  4. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    Hey Hendrik,

    How about being a little more specific about what you mean by prayer?

    For most people prayer involves using words in their mind to communicate with a higher power. This will not quiet mind, so you must mean something other than using words/prayer.

    Prayer is Surrender to GOD.
    When one surrenders to God and enter into the silence. where is the words and mind ?
    if one are not quieting one's mind then one has not yet experience surrender to God and thus have known not prayer.

    The magic is in the practice not in the reasoning.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 06-27-2010 at 10:50 AM.

  5. #20
    if one doesnt know about how to settle the Shen, the condensation of the Shen. One knows to have attain stable Qigong attainment is not possible.

    In fact, one could even enter to the gate of Zhen Qi cultivation. No way in. That is certain.

    So, it is extremely critical to know about Shen but then it is extremely or even next to impossible find a complete description in the Western world on this topic.

    So, Go via prayer is a better path.

    When One Surrender, one's mind quiet down and thus the Shen settle or AN. That is the first step. and after the Shen is AN for a while it evolve into Condensation.

    To have Zhen Qi grow in Dan DIen properly one must first be able condensation the shen.

    In martial art application, if the Shen is not AN or settle, then one goes tunel vision or absent minded and mindfullness is not possible.

    If Shen is not Condensation or Ning then fajing is not effective. Because an un condensation Shen will not support the Intention. Thus, as it says, make and intention and Shen is there, shen is there Qi will be there and the body transport.

    So, without a condesation of Shen the Intention is made but it is like a gun without bullets.

    and to unsettle or uncondensation shen is simple, having great sex or lots of drink to hang over, and fear or worry right awary does that.

    Thus, St. Padre Pio said " Pray, Hope, and not worry." that is about Settle Shen if one put it in chinese term, that is surrender to GOD if one did that.

    and if one carry out the instruction deeply, the Shen condensation process will activate and the body and issue will heal and solve not via mind thinking but via GOD. the mind is just a witness, it is God who make it happen.

    However, to settle shen one needs faith instead of mind reasoning. It is as simple as one practice what St. Padre Pio said " Pray, hope, and not worry" because one has faith in St. Padre Pio. Via reasoning, one will never reach into conclusion of why Pray, hope, and not worry works, in fact, it doesnt work because worry is good thing for mind, the mind needs to do something to secure the situation, and to secure the situation the mind will create different scenerios to think and .......etc. and there goes the un ended of draining the shen. and when one drain's one's shen, one's body and mind goes --- the problem never get solve but the body and mind gone.

    So, when one talks about being Scientific, that is great but will that scientific being done with the expense of damaging the Shen? I hope some scientist look into this.

    and for those who claim to practice Dao, Zen, Qigong... TCM.... if one doesnt know how to handle the Shen, One is not even started the journey yet. Thus, there is not much benifit in mimic-ing the practice.

    The six teen words core of the TCM says, " in the state of Serenity and void , the Zhen Qi will surface and adapt, Essense (jing) and Shen shine inward, How could it be sickness and imbalance?"

    So, it is all about Shen. one must travel the proper path to get the benifit.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 06-27-2010 at 10:47 AM.

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    The six teen words core of the TCM says, " in the state of Serenity and void , the Zhen Qi will surface and adapt, Essense (jing) and Shen shine inward, How could it be sickness and imbalance?"
    funny, the "six teen" words we used to have when I were in high school were "party hearty, get laid, do again"

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Prayer is Surrender to GOD.
    When one surrenders to God and enter into the silence. where is the words and mind ?
    if one are not quieting one's mind then one has not yet experience surrender to God and thus have known not prayer.

    The magic is in the practice not in the reasoning.
    Hmmm, reasoning should be avoided, but you use words in a manner in which they are not commonly used in an attempt to communicate principles you think are important, but which ineffectively communicates the principles.

    And it is those who are asking for clarification due to your vagueness that should not use reasoning?

    People would not have to resort to what you think of as excessive reasoning if you would practice it a bit more yourself before you take simple concepts and complicate them by changing the definitions of words at random according to your rainbow spinning robot mind!

  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    rainbow spinning robot mind!
    I miss the Rainbow Spinning Robot Mind, and would like to see more of it! I picture it as some sort of giant side-to-side lumbering Japanese animated creature harassing denizens of Tokyo with a big toothy smile on its face...

  9. #24
    1, English is not my language.

    2, The topic is rare.

    3, The bottom line is to help others to have a proper guide line so they are not screw.

    If you could help to clarify what I post that is certainly great and appreciated. If you could present it much simple then me that is great.

    However, there is no point to confuse others to argue for arguement shake. It is already a difficult world. What there is no need to make it more difficult and confusing for those who needs help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    Hmmm, reasoning should be avoided, but you use words in a manner in which they are not commonly used in an attempt to communicate principles you think are important, but which ineffectively communicates the principles.

    And it is those who are asking for clarification due to your vagueness that should not use reasoning?

    People would not have to resort to what you think of as excessive reasoning if you would practice it a bit more yourself before you take simple concepts and complicate them by changing the definitions of words at random according to your rainbow spinning robot mind!
    Last edited by Hendrik; 06-27-2010 at 12:05 PM.

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    1, English is not my language.
    that's because you didn't trademark it: if you wanted it to be your language, then you should have written it "English™", and it would have been yours; unfortunately for you, I have now done so myself, so it is now mine, and cannot now be yours, forever;

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    2, The topic is rare.
    see, most people here like their topics medium rare...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    3, The bottom line is to help others to have a proper guide line so they are not screw.
    OTOH, for many people their tool in life is a hammer, so everywhere they go they will see nails; so it might actually not be a bad idea for someone to be a screw if it means avoiding getting hit on the head continuously...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    If you could help to clarify what I post that is certainly great and appreciated. If you could present it much simple then me that is great.
    However, there is no point to confuse others to argue for arguement shake. It is already a difficult world. What there is no need to make it more difficult and confusing for those who needs help.
    ok, in all seriousness Hendrick, you claim to want to make things easy for people; but at the same time, you set-up what you think is the appropriate end-goal for people in practice / life, etc. (you know, the whole silence, stillness, surrender, etc. thing), then you tell people that there is only one way to get there, which is the particular path that you have found works for you, and you dismiss out of hand as speculation anyone who disagrees and presents their own "goal" (so to speak) and method of attainment; you also contradict yourself by criticizing anyone who references any sort of text as an example to support what they say, stating that it's inappropriate to rely on texts, but then you yourself constantly post links to songs / videos as a means of illustrating your point, which, sorry to say, is exactly the same thing; finally, if someone points this all out to you, you don't engage but rather become passive aggressive, send them all your love, tell them that you are happy for them and discontinue responding to them;

    this serves to turn off the majority of people with whom you "communicate", and while that's as may be, if your point is to assist people to whatever you believe is the proper path, alienating them really isn't going to get you far at all in that regard;

    in fact, for whatever reason, you seem to cause controversy and conflict pretty much every where you post - yet you persist in the belief that you are 100% correct and that everyone else is wrong-minded;

    at bottom, your presence here creates more confusion (to people who try to figure out what you are trying to say) and contention (with people who think you are incorrect for whatever reason); in fact, your posting here creates an environment which is the very antithesis of the clarity and agreement that you purport to advocate;

    ok, you may now love me and dismiss me as per your usual m/o, ya big lug...

  11. #26
    if you have anything better to share on this particular topic then please share.
    Otherwise, please dont waste the bandwidth of others off topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    that's because you didn't trademark it: if you wanted it to be your language, then you should have written it "English™", and it would have been yours; unfortunately for you, I have now done so myself, so it is now mine, and cannot now be yours, forever;

    see, most people here like their topics medium rare...

    OTOH, for many people their tool in life is a hammer, so everywhere they go they will see nails; so it might actually not be a bad idea for someone to be a screw if it means avoiding getting hit on the head continuously...

    ok, in all seriousness Hendrick, you claim to want to make things easy for people; but at the same time, you set-up what you think is the appropriate end-goal for people in practice / life, etc. (you know, the whole silence, stillness, surrender, etc. thing), then you tell people that there is only one way to get there, which is the particular path that you have found works for you, and you dismiss out of hand as speculation anyone who disagrees and presents their own "goal" (so to speak) and method of attainment; you also contradict yourself by criticizing anyone who references any sort of text as an example to support what they say, stating that it's inappropriate to rely on texts, but then you yourself constantly post links to songs / videos as a means of illustrating your point, which, sorry to say, is exactly the same thing; finally, if someone points this all out to you, you don't engage but rather become passive aggressive, send them all your love, tell them that you are happy for them and discontinue responding to them;

    this serves to turn off the majority of people with whom you "communicate", and while that's as may be, if your point is to assist people to whatever you believe is the proper path, alienating them really isn't going to get you far at all in that regard;

    in fact, for whatever reason, you seem to cause controversy and conflict pretty much every where you post - yet you persist in the belief that you are 100% correct and that everyone else is wrong-minded;

    at bottom, your presence here creates more confusion (to people who try to figure out what you are trying to say) and contention (with people who think you are incorrect for whatever reason); in fact, your posting here creates an environment which is the very antithesis of the clarity and agreement that you purport to advocate;

    ok, you may now love me and dismiss me as per your usual m/o, ya big lug...

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    if you have anything better to share on this particular topic then please share.
    Otherwise, please dont waste the bandwidth of others off topic.
    LOL - u r so predictable Hendrick, it's not even funny - rather than speak to a valid asessment, u become the KFMF Posting Police - u can't deal w people who don't take u seriously and accept ur ever word, so instead u try to assuage r control feak tendencies and try to dictate other peoples behavior
    <golf clap>

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    1, English is not my language.

    2, The topic is rare.

    3, The bottom line is to help others to have a proper guide line so they are not screw.

    If you could help to clarify what I post that is certainly great and appreciated. If you could present it much simple then me that is great.

    However, there is no point to confuse others to argue for arguement shake. It is already a difficult world. What there is no need to make it more difficult and confusing for those who needs help.
    I understand how you might presume I was attempting to set up an argument with you, since that is my history and I do love doing so, however:

    -I was nicer than usual when I asked you to explain yourself more completely rather than ridicule you because, while I know what you mean, others, less familiar with your writing style might not. Since English is not your native language, I do not always expect you to perceive you are not being clear! Which is why I pointed it out to you, in order for you to make an attempt to be more clear!

    Privately aside......NO ONE ELSE READ THIS!: Please don't let it get around that I was in any way cordgial to you, I would hate to ruin a good run of fun!

  14. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    LOL - u r so predictable Hendrick, it's not even funny - rather than speak to a valid asessment, u become the KFMF Posting Police - u can't deal w people who don't take u seriously and accept ur ever word, so instead u try to assuage r control feak tendencies and try to dictate other peoples behavior
    <golf clap>
    "I hereby grant and affirm the right of taai gihk yahn, presently, formerly and henceforth to freely and actively waste 'other peoples' bandwidth' as he shall deem appropriate and/or necessary solely according to his conscience or for any other minuscule or magisterial reasons he deems appropriate and/or necessary including, but not limited to, for no apparent or in-apparent reasons at all for, but not limited to, the service of ridicule, harassment, humor, satire and for the purpose of, but not limited to, the wasting of copious amounts of other peoples' time!

    Further, I decree, presently, formerly and henceforth, that no person, organization or representative of another person or organization may at any time, for any reason, supersede the rights, privileges and responsibilities I have so granted to him from the distant mists of time unto perpetuity!"

    I so grant and affirm on this date:

    June 27, 2010

    Scott R. Brown, Esquire, Scalawag, Raconteur

    Last edited by Scott R. Brown; 06-27-2010 at 03:59 PM.

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    "I hearby grant and affirm the right of taai gihk yahn, presently, formerly and hencefore to freely and actively waste 'other peoples' bandwidth' as he shall deem appropriate and/or necessary solely according to his conscience or for any other miniscule or magesterial reasons he deems appropriate and/or necessary including, but not limited to, for no apparent or inapparent reasons at all for, but not limited to, the service of ridicule, harrassment, humor, satire and for the purpose of, but not limited to, the wasting of copious amounts of other peoples' time!

    Further, I decree, presently, formerly and hencefore, that no person, organization or representative of another peron or organization may at any time, for any reason, supercede the rights, priveleges and responsiblities I have so granted to him from the distant mists of time unto perpetuity!"

    I so grant and affirm on this date:

    June 27, 2010

    Scott R. Brown, Esquire, Scalawag, Raconteur


    thank you <sniff>; thank you...

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