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Thread: Video: Controlled Sparring Demo by the Chief Instructor of AYZYIM

  1. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by grncastle View Post
    No. I don't spend 5 years on a forum. Its been at least three years since I spend time on any one. I've only been posting on them this week in supplement to these ad posts. I spend my days doing hours of training, meditation, whatnot, whether healthy, sick, tired, busy, etc. Not hours on a forum.
    oh, I see - so u r suggesting that because I spend so much time on the forum, I don't train enough; and that instead of being on the forum so much I should train more, is that it?

    tell you what, you go back to your 24/7 meditating, and I'll keep posting here excessively, and everyone will be happy

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    Honorary African American
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  3. #48
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    sure, whatever you think

  4. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by grncastle View Post
    sure, whatever you think
    now who's being a "****"?

    lol, typical newbie - you start something (remember, YOU came on w/the whole "taai talks too much"), you can't maintain it, so you tuck tail and play it now like you don't care, you are so above it all; sadly predictable;

    well, I guess if that's your perspective, that you don't care what I think, then that'll be the last we hear from you...although I doubt that you nearly as above the fray as you'd like to think that you are - otherwise, you wouldn't have posted in the first place;

    -999,999 EXP and you have to spend the next 3 turns listening to Vogon poetry

    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post

    I hang my head in shame...

  5. #50
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    Im sorry, I don't know what you're talking about with maintenance this, fray that, vogon poetry? I called you a d o r k, not **** which why this site would censor that I have no idea. Everything you're saying only shows this more and more. Anyway, yeah, Im not a forum jockey, sorry for not being fun.

  6. #51
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    tai gyk yan u r loser. u r loner in rel life. noe frends. i bet u cry at night

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  7. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by grncastle View Post
    Im sorry, I don't know what you're talking about with maintenance this, fray that, vogon poetry? I called you a d o r k, not **** which why this site would censor that I have no idea. Everything you're saying only shows this more and more. Anyway, yeah, Im not a forum jockey, sorry for not being fun.
    that's ok, I didn't really have any expectations considering how boring and pedantic you were 3 yrs ago, demonstrating an unprecedented degree of group-think, zombie-mindedness when I actually tried having a reasoned conversation with you about so-called "internal" principles (I'd recommend that you read some of the links in my sig, but they are rather childish, I don't think you'd enjoy them); although I am surprised that more of your clan hasn't shown up to try and shout down any dissent this time around

    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    tai gyk yan u r loser. u r loner in rel life. noe frends.
    there's one guy on FB, but he's some weirdo from Guelph

    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    i bet u cry at night
    I do, and and not even a single manly tear, but instead streams and streams of womanly crying

  8. #53
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    Sure, again, whatever you think. People like you are very easy to lead on.

  9. #54

    taai gihk yahn, it's time to post a video!

    I think the best way to convince us your credibility on the criticisms about the video is that you post a video of yourself, either doing exercise, performing a form, or free sparring. Among the close to 2,700 posts, do you have anything to show us your achievement on martial arts?

  10. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by grncastle View Post
    Sure, again, whatever you think. People like you are very easy to lead on.
    I see that you are taking time away from your deep meditation practice to do just that...

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    Reading the links, they're interesting.

  12. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by suddenflower View Post
    I think the best way to convince us your credibility on the criticisms about the video is that you post a video of yourself, either doing exercise, performing a form, or free sparring. Among the close to 2,700 posts, do you have anything to show us your achievement on martial arts?
    lol, I was waiting for it; you'd think that by now u guys wud hav come up w a better m.o. than the same one u beat to death 3+ yrs ago;

    and what wud u like to see a video of me doing? not that it matters, bec no matter what I wud post, u guys wud ridicule it; and not that I care really what u think, but then what's the point?

    I mean, what r u guys so worried about, that you need to insult me personally or ask for some sort of video of me, as if that's going to "prove" anything?

    fact is this: I think what ur teacher demos is nothing more than techniques done on compliant students who like being tossed around because it makes them feel that they are studying something esoteric and über-cool; it's a two-way validation process that I have seen many times before; and it's all fine, but it's not sparring, and it's not fighting; and if it were, u guys wud show video of that, but fact is that u have this elaborate justification system for why u don't hav any, or why u do this sort of thing, yadda, yadda, yadda - same old so-called "internal" BS that has been propogated for years; u want to do it, more power to you; but until u can demo it in a situation against a resisting, skilled opponent who is not a student of ur sifu, it's just another form of mutally-agreed upon exercise that has no evidence to support its usefulness in an actual fight;

    now, u may not like that I say this; that's fine - but my question is, why do you really care? if u have da r3alz, why do u care so much about public perception? I mean, obviously u do, since u post the vid in the first place - but I think that what u want is sympathetic accolades, not a critical assessment - which is why when someone does have a non-sympathetic view, u guys gang up en masse and try to discredit the poster, either by asking for some video that u can then trash, or by attacking the poster as being too wordy (like me), posting too much, etc.

    u guys may want to do a little reasearch into the behavior of cult members, because ur behavior here is starting to resemble that a little...

    just remember - YOU guys posted the video in a pubic forum; if you don't like that some people don't like it / believe it / agree with it, then DON'T POST IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, and then u won't have to suffer that sort of thing;

  13. #58
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    My personal thoughts, as suddenflower may post something different:

    For starters, your original critique, I think was valid, I did not disagree with that. It was a video of a drill, nothing more. To some people, sparring means only free sparring, and some people include things like one step, two step etc. I personally don't think too much about it.

    But then look at your next three posts. How were they relevant or necessary? It was like arguing for the sake of arguing, having to address every sentence, having to have word battles. What nonsense! This is how people are when they talk online. I said 4 words, and it went to lead you on easily as I knew it would. For that matter, it wasn't really my intention to say any derogatory or offending things to you, so I hope you don't take what I said seriously. This reminds me why I don't spend time talking on forums or posting things, in my view, its a waste of time. As I said, its been years since I spent any time posting on forums and in this case it's just to help out with these posts on vids. You seem like you spend a lot of time being on these things, is it useful for you?

    I normally greet people with a lot more courtesy, and would've given the same to you, even after the things you posted before. It's what Ive been doing so far this week anyway, I guess I just decided to do it different and wing it this time. I don't have anything personally against you taai, and I actually like your links under your profile. It's stuff like that which is very innovative and useful. The Preheaven Power method that the workshop is about is based on the similar ideas, emphasis on body mechanics. People can take it as they want, and we're certain to get negative reactions and skepticism, we expect that. There is a lot less concern about public perception than you might think. Forums are just easy ways to reach people. And maybe my behavior tonight was a bad way to market, but I hope at least some good insight can be seen from this.

    So yeah, nothing personal, I hope you get the idea of what I meant. If you don't like the video, that's fine.

    This addresses what I think about this. However, I do think suddenflower has a good point about you presenting a video or something of your own. You can do that for the sake of your own argument if you want. Whatever it would be, I personally wouldn't give you a hard time about it. I don't buy into the habit of going about and criticizing everything that's out there. I don't feel like I' would've "suffered" being shown in a video, no matter how much people might think badly of it. You shouldn't have to see it that way either. Even if you don't want to post a video, more stuff like those links would be nice. I like studying into things, and it's good material.
    Last edited by grncastle; 08-15-2010 at 02:39 PM.

  14. #59
    now how did I miss this one?
    Quote Originally Posted by suddenflower View Post
    May be I am wasting my time. To talk "wu de" with you may be just like "cast pearls before swine."
    well, it seems that your wude doesn't preclude smugness and condescension; well done;

    Quote Originally Posted by suddenflower View Post
    A typical and ideal example of respectable Chinese martial artists is the character Mr. Li Mu-Bai in the movie "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" directed by Ang Lee.
    yeah, he would also be a typical and ideal example of a FICTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION dreamed up by Mr. Ang Lee and Mr. James Shamus

    Quote Originally Posted by suddenflower View Post
    I don't know how much you know about traditional Chinese martial arts culture. But just because one can fight well as a successful gladiator is not enough to make him a respectable fighter.
    I know enuf about TCMA culture to know that all that wude stuff is mostly a fiction retrofitted onto TCMA by literati types in order to make it more respectable; the REAL Chinese MA guys didn't go in for that at all, and in fact were considered the lowest of the lows by sociey because they were soldiers, body guards and mercenaries; the whole wude thing was pretty much to make MA more palatable to royal and upper classes, so that they could justify their weekend warrior pursuits and study MA without feeling like they were stooping to the level typically reserved for the guys who actually did the real fighting; and that's how FICTIONAL CHARACTERS like Li Mu Bai got traction in the real world...

  15. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    lol, I was waiting for it; you'd think that by now u guys wud hav come up w a better m.o. than the same one u beat to death 3+ yrs ago;

    and what wud u like to see a video of me doing? not that it matters, bec no matter what I wud post, u guys wud ridicule it; and not that I care really what u think, but then what's the point?

    I mean, what r u guys so worried about, that you need to insult me personally or ask for some sort of video of me, as if that's going to "prove" anything?


    just remember - YOU guys posted the video in a pubic forum; if you don't like that some people don't like it / believe it / agree with it, then DON'T POST IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, and then u won't have to suffer that sort of thing;
    You have ambushed our post of the Xingyiquan video in the past. More than three years have passed and what does time tell? The video turns out to be one of the most viewed and highly rated Xingyiquan video on YouTube. For the convenience of other readers, the URL of the video is

    The reason why we still post videos on this forum is that we believe the system. We believe that most people are reasonable and fair. We consider people like you the "imperfection" of this prestigious forum. The only reason we argue with you on this forum is that we don't want your biased view to influence other readers who are not familiar with the particular style or the training method.

    This is a public forum and you definitely will not scare us out of it just because you have posted close to 2700 times here.
    Last edited by suddenflower; 08-15-2010 at 10:57 AM.

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