Quote Originally Posted by suddenflower View Post
I think the best way to convince us your credibility on the criticisms about the video is that you post a video of yourself, either doing exercise, performing a form, or free sparring. Among the close to 2,700 posts, do you have anything to show us your achievement on martial arts?
I am trying to understand how posting a video of oneself demonstrates how foolish your video is? All you need do to demonstrate for yourself how foolish your own video is, is for you to post one with a REAL opponent and not a compliant and somewhat naive student who can neither stand correctly, fall correctly, or throw a proper strike!

Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
well, it seems that your wude doesn't preclude smugness and condescension; well done;
wude? isnt he uday's brother?

Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
yeah, he would also be a typical and ideal example of a FICTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION dreamed up by Mr. Ang Lee and Mr. James Shamus
Just because you can't fly doesn't mean that no one else can! I think your jealousy is showing.

Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
I know enuf about TCMA culture to know that all that wude stuff is mostly a fiction retrofitted onto TCMA by literati types in order to make it more respectable; the REAL Chinese MA guys didn't go in for that at all, and in fact were considered the lowest of the lows by sociey because they were soldiers, body guards and mercenaries; the whole wude thing was pretty much to make MA more palatable to royal and upper classes, so that they could justify their weekend warrior pursuits and study MA without feeling like they were stooping to the level typically reserved for the guys who actually did the real fighting; and that's how FICTIONAL CHARACTERS like Li Mu Bai got traction in the real world...
Right hit them with reality....good one....don't you know you can't reason with the unreasonable? Next you'll start telling everyone there is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Toothfairy, Leprechauns, Magic Rings to rule them all....etc!

Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
drilling ≠ sparring; sparring is free fighting; controlled sparring is free fighting with some restriction (e.g - targets, techniques, level of contact); and the vid wasn't sparring, it was even drilling - it was a demonstration;
Yeah! A demonstration that some people will believe anything!

Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
you think you caused me to "do your bidding"
Look into my eyes...

You are getting verrrrrry sleeeeeeepy!!!!!!

Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
look, people can do what they like; if training w ur sifu makes u happy and fulfilled, good for you; doubtless there are many people who hold a similar opinion about him as you do; but when u guys post in lock step and utilize scientology-like tactics to discredit dissenters, it doesn't do much for ur position;
What do you expect when you interfere with another persons fantasy life! For some people, their fantasies make the real world more livable. If they didn't have their little magical rainbow mind dreams they would probably be waiting outside your house for 5 or 10 years with a sniper rifle just waiting for the right moment to........wait.....ummmmmm never mind! Pretend I didn't saying anything at all about that........ummmmmm magic IS real!!! REALLY...IT IS!!!!!!! If I say it real real LOUD it makes it true!!!!