Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
I can respect that, you’re in their school you play by their rules, fair enough but it’s a shame it’s the reason styles die out

Even us sports guys start in bad positions when we train so I can understand where you are coming from, I just disagree with relying on tricks and traps that only work once or twice, I just prefer using things that are more high percentage (just a thought but do you pull these off against your class mates often….because if you can pull them off in sparring against your class mates when they know them as well maybe they aren’t tricks and traps but good technique?)
Its not like we're on mars and venus. Tricks and traps, I just call it that because most traditional guys get all 'floating sparrow picks nuts from cherry tree" and that doesn't float my boat.

For an generic example, best two kicks I ever had were the front that changes up half way to a half-round to the temple, and the front snap that falls low and short, followed on the same jump by the opposite sweeping roundhouse head high. Worked a charm, but once you saw it, it was hard to work again. But, it nearly always worked the first time.

High percentage moves are high percentage why? Because people can't counter them, or you set them up into a position of disadvantage? Force and strategy. My high percentage is achieved in part by surprise, and supported by technique.

But everything has a counter, right? That's what I'm protecting.

And, even in our school, we hide our stuff from each other for just that reason, its no small source of amusement between the brothers, stealing techniques and countering...

Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
We all like to be 20 second fighters and I understand the mentality, the hakka arts I have trained and seen are all like this (although I wonder about the legality of all those PE fists to the throat lol), h*ll the thai and wrestlers I know train like this to: Maximum inmapct on the pads in combos, big slams etc its just very hard to end a fight quickly if the other guy doesn’t want you to do that so I have found its best to hope for the best but expect the worst and train accordingly )
Phoenix to the neck that wouldn't hurt would it???

No, I don't think the mentality is just Hakka. Its a warrior as opposed to fighter mentality.

Hakaguri, Mishima - In a sword battle, it only takes one cut, one clash, all of life and death in one split second where one dominates and one dies. There is no reason to hold anything for the next chance, this is it, one second, one slice of time. Any advantage is built, captured and driven home, any disadvantage avoided or preempted.

Domination and crease.

No, that's "open source" stuff...