Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Eagle_76 View Post
There are a ton of problems that exist concerning the banned state of posters and I guess this was coming. Here is what I believe in wholeheartedly is the truth. The whole video or it didn't happen is a result of the "bullshido" era of martial arts, particulary when it comes to internet forums. Now while I don't completely disagree with this method, I don't need video evidence of a guy saying he can blow chi balls out his a**ss to know he is full of sh**it.

That being said, if a poster talks about certain TCMA training methods and how they are supeior to all other methods, people are going to chest puff and say prove it. If he is simply saying these methods work and can provide substantial evidence they do, does it really need to turn into a flame war of You Tube evidence?

I don't have a problem calling BS where it needs to be called, but what one person gauges as BS another gauges as legitimate training.
Here is the thing, in another thread where some guys says that because of IP he can get his hand slammed in a car door and not break it and still fight with it he was told to prove it, which is obvioulsy very easy to do.
The back and forth when on for a bit with KF doing his usual shpeel and then I posted my personal observations and conclusions based on what I have done, seen and Wolf's Law, in a nutshell stating that a conditoned hand makes for a stronger strike and the reasons why and KF agreed.
No need for video on my part at all, just common sense and no BS.

Too much to ask though, right?